Programme SAP RSTXPDF2 - Administration/Upload of type 1 and TrueType font files

Managing soft fonts for PDF conversion

You use this report to manage font files (soft fonts) that are requiredin the R/3 System when you convert SAPscript documents into the PDFformat (Adobe Acrobat Format). RSTXPDF2 allows you to
- list fonts
- load fonts from the frontend PC and read their attributes
- load fonts from the frontend PC and upload them into the R/3 System
- delete fonts.

If you want to import a font file, the file must exist in the format"Adobe Type 1 Fontfile for Windows PC". Normally, these files have theextension ".PFB", that is, "CRR35__I.PFB".
Fonts in TrueType format are currently not supported.


When importing a font file using the RSTXPDF2 report, you must identifythe SAPscript font type for which the font file is to be used duringPDF conversion. To do this, you use the parameters

  • SAP font family

  • Font attribute BOLD

  • Font attribute ITALIC

  • The "Use font character set" parameter has been added for Release 4.6C:You use this flag to control how the characters of this font type thatare used in R/3 are to be interpreted.
    This flag is switched off by default. In this case, the PDF convertercontrols the coding (called font encoding) of the characters of thefont type. For example, if, in the R/3 character set, the character"adieresis" ("Ä") is in binary position 196 (hexadecimal: C4), thecoding of this character in the PDF file created by the converter isalso preset to 196 for the soft font imported. The PDV converteroverwrites the coding contained in the soft font file with a codingthat is suitable for the R/3 character set.
    If this flag is switched off, the coding (encoding) contained in thefont file is adopted unchanged. You are recommended to switch off thisflag for "special fonts" that do not contain normal printablecharacters, but graphical symbols. You must also switch off this flagif the imported font file contains characters that are unknown in theR/3 character list (transaction SPAD, "SAP character set")..
    The SAP code page parameter is currently not evaluated and thereforewithout meaning.

    If you encounter problems with font types and PDF conversion, refer tothe following SAP OSS notes:
    141901 - Customer-specific fonts for PDF conversion
    141343 - PDF conversion (Latin-2 support)
    144718 - PDF conversion (CJK support)

1562096Smart Forms PDF Print Preview
201307TrueType fonts for Smart Forms or SAPscript
1308950PDFUC: Error for TrueType fonts with symbol encoding
941495PDF converter: Font is not embedded for Latin-2
656088PDF conversion: Hebrew support (ISO 8859-8)
774723TrueType font and PCL5: Individual characters incomplete
786734PDF conversion: Baltic support (ISO 8859-4)
1076332SWINCF and customer-defined TrueType fonts
1301018Selecting customer-defined TrueType fonts specifically
1151806Arial Unicode MS TrueType fonts from Ascender Corp.
820106CONVERT_OTF: PDF replacement fonts are not embedded
625818PDF conversion: Turkish support (ISO 8859-9)
323736Restrictions with "PDF print" through spooler
940205PDF-Converter: Support for Arabic
372666PDF conversion: Supporting Greek font
458556PDF converter: "Do not insert TrueType font into PDF".
828526Incorrect PDF with TrueType font
322998PDF conversion: Cyrillic support
141343PDF Conversion: Latin-2
634789Incorrect fonts (using True Type fonts)
392030Truetype fonts: "Font family already exists"
152442SAPscript: Collective note
398357PDF converter: Width of letters is incorrect
398646TrueType font does not print on PCL-5 printers