Programme SAP RSTXCPDF - Routines for Converting OTF Format to PDF Format

77976Information about the SAPscript BOX command
951210Unicode: Euro symbol in PDF with Latin-2/Cyrillic/Greek
656088PDF conversion: Hebrew support (ISO 8859-8)
786734PDF conversion: Baltic support (ISO 8859-4)
820106CONVERT_OTF: PDF replacement fonts are not embedded
625818PDF conversion: Turkish support (ISO 8859-9)
940205PDF-Converter: Support for Arabic
372666PDF conversion: Supporting Greek font
688523PDF conversion of ABAP lists: Asian DBC characters missing
322998PDF conversion: Cyrillic support
141343PDF Conversion: Latin-2
409194Printing from Acrobat Reader vs. Printing from SAP
398357PDF converter: Width of letters is incorrect
144718PDF conversion: CJK support
158935Error with printing PDF files on PostScript