Programme SAP RSTLAN_SUPPLEMENT_UNI - Universal Language Supplementation Program

Universal Language Supplementation Program

This program is an enhancement to the standard supplementation programimplemented in transaction SMLT. It realizes functions that are usefulwhen working with language-specific data. The following describes theapplications of this tool:

Client Maintenance with Customizing Translations
Useful if you want to copy translations of SAP Customizing from client000 to other clients. You normally use the program RSREFILL to do this,(transport translations between clients), however it often copies toofew texts. You can use this program to copy all reference customizingtexts from client 000 to the logon client with insert mode. This modeis known as 'client maintenance' in the following.

Reset Supplementation of Customizing Tables
If you have already supplemented the Customizing tables, the abovefunction will not be successful, since only missing table entries willbe completed. The language supplementation has already filled all gapsin the translation. If this is the case, you can use this program toreset a supplementation of the Customizing text tables. (Table contentsare compared in the target language and supplementation language. Ifthe texts are the same, the system assumes that this text has beensupplemented.) This creates gaps that can then be filled with texts bythe program RSREFILL or the client maintenance function.

SAP Note 116756: Removing Language-Specific Content from SupportPackages
You can use this function to enable you to enter data in a languagewithout the screens appearing in this language. You can also use thisfunction in transaction SMLT, by starting the supplementation programin mode U (updates) for all tables. Both procedures are identical.

SAP Note 340075: Problems with Client Data During Language Import
This program can also be used to copy language content from systemtables and control tables. Normally, the language data in these tablesis imported into all clients in a system (unless a client is protectedagainst an SAP upgrade (transaction SCC4)). If you made this setting bymistake, and you want to import new translations into a client, you canuse this program to copy the translations of these tables from client000 to the logon client. The texts are written to the target clientusing database inserts and updates (see SAP Note 2857).

To execute this program, call transaction SMLT, choose Goto ->More Tools, and then execute the language supplementationprogram.

If you work in more than one client, you must log on to the targetclient.
You must also have the authorization to supplement languages.


1156507Language supplementation, RSREFILL and client maintenance
1017138Correcting Customizing texts after Unicode conversion
43853Consulting: Language-dependent + client-specific C-tables
533888Example for Language Import and Error Specification
211226Processing of Customizing in language transport