Programme SAP RSTLAN_IMPORT_OCS - Import Language Parts of Support Packages

Import Language Content of Support Packages

All Support Packages delivered by SAP have been translated completely.Support Packages can be used to deliver missing translations, orcorrect incorrect translations.
If you install a language after you have imported Support Packages intoyour system, you may have overwritten new Support Package translationswith obsolete translations. The language is then inconsistent.
To correct the language data, you need to import the language part ofthe Support Package. This program supports you in this with thefollowing functions:

  • Check language data to see whether it is correct.

  • Determine which Support Packages are in the system, and which Support
  • Package translations need correcting.

    To access this program, call transaction SMLT and choose Goto -> OtherTools.

    To correct the language, you need to access the Support Package files.These files can be in several different formats:

    • Transport requests

    • EPS package in the EPS Inbox

    • CAR or SAR archive in the tmp subdirectory of the transport directory

    • Collection CD.

    • The first three of these options are supported automatically. If youuse a Collection CD to access Support Package data, you must specifythe path to the CD.

      Using the Program

      Step: Selecting the Support Packages
      All Support Packages are categorized with a traffic light as follows:
      Green: No import is required for these Support Packages
      Yellow: No import required
      Red: Import required
      All Support Packages with red lights are already selected. You can alsoselect Support Packages with yellow lights (however, this is notnormally necessary). Go to the next screen (F6). When you do this, thesystem searches for usable files in the file system.

      Step: Searching for existing files at the operating system level.
      To import Support Packages, you require data in the following form
      - R3trans data file of the Support Package request, or
      - the PAT file of the Support Package, or
      - the CAR archive of the Support Package.
      The tool first searches for R3trans data files in the data directory ofthe transport directory, followed by PAT files in the EPS Inbox(usually $(TRANS_DIR)/EPS/in), and finally CAR archives in thedirectory $(TRANSDIR)/tmp.
      You have the option of searching for CAR archives in other paths. Entera path and start the search. The system also searches forsubdirectories, so that you only need to specify a single path tosearch a Support Package Collection CD.
      Caution: When searching for suitable CAR archives, the system assumesthat a CAR archive with the name Kxxxxxx.CAR contains the SupportPackage SAPKxxxxxx. This is always the case with SAPNet downloads andSupport Package Collection CDs.
      Important: Not all required files need to be available at the sametime. You can start the import with the first X files and then continuelater with file X+1. A restart function is available for doing this.
      Proceed to the next screen (F6).

      Step: Starting the import
      The import queue appears. Choose F6 to start the import process.

      Step: Importing
      All Support Packages are processed, one by one. The import is online,as in transaction SPAM. There should not be any timeout problems. Theimport of a Support Package involves the following steps:
      Copy the CAR archive to $(TRANS_DIR)/tmp, if necessary.
      Extract the CAR archive, if necessary. This creates a PAT file.
      Disassemble the PAT file, if necessary. This creates an R3trans datafile.
      Import the R3trans file in special mode.
      Files created temporarily by the import process (CAR archive in$(TRANS_DIR)/tmp, PAT files and R3trans files) are deleted as soon aspossible to avoid overflows in the file system. However, large importlogs are written to the log directory of the transport directory.

      Possible Errors
      Some errors are possible during the import process. If an error occurs,the program stops, and an error message appears in the status bar. Youcan restart the import process after you have removed the error.Double-click the error message in the status bar to display informationabout the error and troubleshooting measures.

      Transaction SMLT creates a new action with the name OCS_IMPORT_<(>
      <<)>ISO code>_ under the import actions for the language.The processed Support Packages are listed under this action.

1605115RSTLAN_IMPORT_OCS: Incorrect import queue after termination
1479911OCS import imports too many Support Packages
812678SAP CORE CEE language patches
1265215Missing translations for CPRXRPM 450_700
195442Language import and Support Packages
975891PAT file analysis for package format 05
928317Add-on without language data during OCS import
352941Consultation: Languages and Support Packages
922783Rescue language files for DE / EN
974677Incorrect import queue for OCS import
812284HR-CEE language packages
885955Language content in DDIC import not imported (Upg 640/700)
533888Example for Language Import and Error Specification