Programme SAP RSPO0041 - Delete Old Spool Requests

You should schedule this report periodically to delete old spoolrequests. The system does not do this automatically.

The report can be run online or in the background. The time limit mayeasily be exceeded online (in this case the report is terminated).

xxx --- Delete only in client xxx
(SPAR authorization required for deleting in own client)
* --- Delete across clients
(SPAD authorization required)


All old spool requests
All spool requests are deleted whose expiration date (specified whenthe request was generated or appended) is exceeded. Spool requests withprint requests that have not been marked as "Completed" or "Witherror", are not deleted, even if the expiration date has been exceeded.

All completed spool requests with a minimum age
All successfully processed spool requests (printed and possiblyarchived) at least as old as the minimum age, are deleted.

All spool requests with a minimum age
Like the previous option, but irrespective of whether or not a requesthas already been printed.

Specifies the number of deleted spool requests after which a COMMITtakes place. If this number is too large, the database rollback filemay get very large; if it is too small, the database overhead is toohigh.


Log everything
Lists all problems, warnings and information.

Log instead of dialog box
When you select this field, a list is generated. Otherwise warningmessages are displayed.

Log only without deletion
The report displays the spool requests that would be deleted if thisswitch were not active.

48400Reorganization of TemSe and Spool
16083Standard jobs, reorganization jobs
19706Tuning the Spooler
64333Change default value for spool retention period
130978RSPO1041 - Replacement for RSPO0041
504952Composite note regarding spooling and printing
498668Deadlocks on the TSP01 table (deleting spool requests)
10551Table TST03 grows
11070Space requirements of TemSe and spooler
16513File system is full - what do I do?
16875TemSe objects do not match TemSe files