Programme SAP RPUFACEVIEKN - Conversion for View Indicator in Infotype 0003

There are two user interfaces available for editing HR master data:

  • SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)

  • SAP Enterprise Portal (SAP EP)

  • If you want to edit HR master data on the SAP EP user interface, theremust be an entry for each personnel number in the VIEKN field (ViewIndicator) of the Payroll Status infotype (0003).
    Please note that this field is not displayed when you use transactionPA30 (Maintain HR Master Data); it is only displayed in tablePA0003.
    This program fills the VIEKN field for all personnel numbers with thepersonnel number's countrygrouping as stored in the Organizational Assignment infotype(0001) if the field is not already filled. The program only editspersonnel numbers in the current client.

    You must ensure that the feature IVWID is correctly maintained. SAPdelivers the feature in the standard system as follows: Nodes in thedecision tree marked as 'Miscellaneous' always contain a return valueor the program call RP_GET_IVWID. This program determines the returnvalue of the feature according to the country grouping of thepersonnel number. If you have changed the feature IVWID in your system,you must adjust it accordingly.

    Start the program for all clients containing personnel numbers whose HRmaster data you want to edit in SAP EP.

    You can find more information about this in the documentation for theBusiness Package for HR Administrators (mySAP ERP) and in the SAPLibrary under Human Resources -> Personnel Management ->Personnel Administration -> Technical Processes in PersonnelAdministration -> Settings for Administration of HR Master Datain the SAP Enterprise Portal.

1447867Indicator CCURE/PC_UI in the table T77S0
783499Incorrect framework synchronization