Programme SAP RFMUSFG_SF224 - SF-224 Statement of Transactions

The SF-224, Statement of Transactions, is a monthly report required byTreasury. It has a format specified by Treasury. It is prepared byagencies for whom the Treasury Financial Management Service (FMS) makespayments at any of its regional financial centers. The report showsdisbursements, collections, and receipts, organized in three sections.
It uses data that comes from transactions that impact SGL accounts 1010,Fund Balance with Treasury, and 1110, Undeposited Collections. Theseinclude Treasury payment confirmations, IPAC collections and payments,and manual collections and payments. There are a few transactions thathit 1010 that are not included, such as appropriation warrants and avery limited number of payments. The balances as of the beginning of themonth and end of the month for SGL account 1110 are also included in thereport.

The selection screen contains two tabs.

  • Configuration

  • This is used to define sets of accounts that represent 224 balancetypes. It also allows you to choose whether the Appropriation Symbolreflects the Application of Funds name or Application of Funds code.
    • Selection

    • Here, you can limit the selection to specific organizational and timedimensions and also manage electronic output. The Company Code and LastPosting Date of Period or Fiscal Year and Period, are required fields.The addition of specific Agency Location Codes as selection parametersis also recommended.

      SF-224 Electronic File
      In addition to the hard copy format printed by the agency for its ownrecords, each agency must prepare an electronic file in the formatspecified by Treasury for submission through Treasury's GOALS II system.
      SF-224 Supporting Data
      In addition to the SF-224 itself, a listing of transactions that make upthe SF-224 balances, is provided as a supporting schedule. This reportcan be used in verifying and reconciling the 224, but is not sent toTreasury. It is provided for internal use.

1016700First prior-month amount after 10 months missing in SF-224
944503Addition of TAS Suffix in SF-224: Improper line item display
648482Export of SF-224 Details data to local file
661722Importing add-on Support Package 07 for IS-PSADIN 10A
655893Blank or zero-amount Treasury Fund Symbols in report SF-224
640395Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
617084Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
617513Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
616039Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
608175Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
564497Correction to advance delivery note 560807
560807Corrections to advanced delivery of report SF-224
568374Subclasses in report SF-224 Statement of transactions
565125Net Totals Section II shows incorrect sign.