SAP Note 640395 - Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224

Composant : Information System -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
missing agency location code, electronic file record types 01, electronic file record types 98, electronic file record type 26, record type 15 processed, 02 entry number field, correction instructions found, federal government functionality, revised functionality, incremented properly

Notes associées :

1016700First prior-month amount after 10 months missing in SF-224
944503Addition of TAS Suffix in SF-224: Improper line item display
937887Partial SF-224 Statement of Transactions
916086Addition of Treasury Account Symbol Suffix in SF-224
890376Display of additional prior-month records in SF-224
648482Export of SF-224 Details data to local file
618598Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
617513Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
617084Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
616039Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
608175Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224
568374Subclasses in report SF-224 Statement of transactions
565125Net Totals Section II shows incorrect sign.
564497Correction to advance delivery note 560807
560807Corrections to advanced delivery of report SF-224
551944Corrections to advance delivery of report SF-224
547156Advance delivery of Report SF-224 and Enhancement of BL