Programme SAP RFIDPL06 - VAT Register (Poland)

You use this report to prepare VAT registers for Poland. It covers allof the VAT registers that you are required to submit each month underthe VAT-7 declaration.

You have maintained the NIP number in all customer master records.
You have also filled out the following fields when posting accountingdocuments:

  • Reference Document Number

  • The VAT register shows the reference number from all correspondence withcustomers and vendors, so enter the reference document number in allaccounting documents in Accounts Payable (FI-AP) and AccountsReceivable (FI-AR).
    • Document Header Text

    • This field has to contain the VAT date. The contents of this field arealso printed in the VAT register.
      If you use Financial Accounting (FI) for invoicing purposes,enter the billing date in each document manually.
      If you use Sales and Distribution (SD) for invoicing purposes,the system can fill out this field automatically.

      Fill out the fields as follows:

      • Cleared Vendor Items Only

      • The report creates a register of the VAT for vendors operatingrecognized businesses for people with disabilities. The register onlycovers documents where all payables are covered by a single vendor itemand this item has been cleared.
        After selecting this checkbox, choose Enter in order to be ableto make an entry in the Document Type for Clrg Doc field.
        • Documents Posted from SD

        • The report covers documents that have been posted from SD. This isespecially important if you want to create a register of correctiondocuments for SD invoices. The parameters are as follows:
          All Documents
          Displays all documents posted from SD together with the other documents.
          No Correction Documents
          Displays only documents posted from SD, but without correctiondocuments.
          Correction Documents Only
          Displays correction documents posted from SD only.
          Document Type
          Accounting document type of the documents posted from SD (usually RV).This field is only available when you select No Correction Documents
          or Correction Documents Only and choose Enter.
          • Customs Documents

          • Process Customs Documents
            Creates a register of customs documents. All the entries in thisregister are contained in the VAT column. The Gross and Net
            columns contain zeros. The report does not check the documents.
            After selecting this checkbox, choose Enter in order to be ableto specify the various tax codes.
            • Output

            • Incl. Docs w Errors in Totals
              Determines whether you want documents with errors to be included in thetotals for each VAT type.
              Subledger Account Address Data
              Shows the business address data for each line item.
              Display Totals Only
              Shows the total VAT, gross, and net amounts for each document type. Theindividual documents are not listed.
              Tolerance for VAT Rounding
              Determines how the system rounds VAT, as follows:
              2: Rounds VAT to two decimal places
              1: Rounds VAT to one decimal place
              You can only run the report for one company code at a time.

              The report lists the gross and net amounts and VAT for each document,and for every VAT code. It displays the total VAT, gross, and netamounts for each document type at the end of the list. The negative signin the totals against Company Code indicates the amounts payable to thefiscal office.
              A negative sign against document level totals and document item valuesdisplays a minus correction invoice.
              Documents posted for intracommunity transactions, with acquisition taxcode and transaction key (AccKy): ESA and ESE, show the same amountagainst gross and net . This is because of input and output VAT on thesame document (net + output - input = gross).
              The report checks the different amounts in the line items to make surethat they add up correctly, for example, it ensures that the net amountplus VAT equals gross amount. The report generates an error list in caseof documents with incorrect line items . The error list also displaysthe cause of the error.
              This report is specific to the country specific requirements in Polandand differs in its output from the other VAT Standard reports.

737091example for tax procedure for Poland (TAXPL)
1427476PL - VAT 2010 modifications for PL VAT report (RFIDPL06)
1417611Composite note for VAT 2010
1533216Documentation Updates - Tax Date
1038448VAT due date: Country specific Reporting + Migration Tool
1432531Poland - EC Sales List - VAT 2010
1274029Correction: VAT reporting with disabled VAT Date parameter
1416676Poland - VAT 2010 - EC sales list & VAT register
1289293Polish VAT Workaround around: Maintenance finish
860780RFASLD15: Display of Special G/L indicator postings
1061275Exchange rate for PL
823822RFIDPL06:Acquisition Tax Accrual-Impact on legal report
746127RFIDPL06: Corrections of VAT Register after EU changes
754810RFIDPL06: Corrections and Enhancements after EU changes
777236RFIDPL06: Amounts not aligned with column structure in total