Programme SAP RFFMRP04 - Copy document from parked documents

Document Transfer of Parked Documents
This program reconstructs parked Financial Accounting documents inFunds Management (FM).

You must reconstruct the assigned values after reconstruction. To dothis, select Accounting -> Financial Accounting-> Funds Management-> Budgeting -> Tools -> Reconstruct Assigned Values.
By reconstructing the assigned values, you ensure that availabilitycontrol can detect excessive funds commitments in your funds center andcommitment item hierarchy, in line with the existing actual data in FM.


  • You have backed up your data

  • You have put organizational measures in place so that no parked
  • Financial Accounting documents are posted during reconstruction.

    You can decide whether the program tests if the document already existsin FM and therefore does not reconstruct it, or whether a documentshould be deleted before reconstruction (if it exists).
    Documents that are already selected for the commitment carryforward tothe new fiscal year, or that have already been carried forward to thenew year cannot be reconstructed because all information on year-endoperations in lost during reconstruction.
    However, if you still want to reconstruct such documents, you mustfirst reverse the carryforward to the new year using programRFFMC040 and then delete the documents using theprogram RFFMDLFI. You can then reconstruct thedocuments.
    Note that you must execute the commitment carryforward again for thisdocument.
    Note: Tax lines are not included in the reconstruction of parkeddocuments, that is, they are not reconstructed.



    • List of documents not to be processed

    • Statistical evaluations

189761Reconstruction of data in Funds Managemnt as of Release 4.5A
663746RFFMDLFI: Commitment budget deleted despite active PBET