Programme SAP RFFMRC04 - Matching Line Items and Totals Records for FM

This program analyzes differences between line items and totals recordsin Funds Management.
If you start the program as an update run, it automatically adjusts therelevant totals records.

Notes on Performance and Storage Capacity Requirements

  • If possible, you should only display the errors, even if you do not
  • want a log.
    • Besides this, specifying a fund, funds center, and commitment item
    • increases processing speed.

      Ensure that no postings are made while the program is running as thismay lead to errors being displayed where none has occurred.

      If the program finds FM accountassignments where the line item total is not the same as therelevant totals record, these lines are marked in red. The systemdisplays the amount total (totals record), line item total, and amounttype for each line.

189761Reconstruction of data in Funds Managemnt as of Release 4.5A
1560519FMJ3 fails to cleanup FMIT 0351/0352 records.
812461Performance problems with the commitments carryforward
101778Conversion of FM data structures as of Version 4.5A
977016FMIT: Missing totals records in Funds Management
918796How to correct the wrong commitment updating posted by SRM
407875Reconciliation after FM data transfer to 45B-46C
660527FMJ3: Incorrect account assignment for undo carryforward
515237Differences between line items and totals records
515794RFFMTNRS_CO cannot be processed in parallel
432297Incorrect update of purchase order commitment
377700Check for actuals in RFFMTRNS and RFFMTRNS_CO is not working
168441RFFMRC00/04 don`t detect missing FM totals (Table FMIT)
300192RFFMRC04 does not create total entries of amount 0
211937FI168 on changing funds commitment w/ revenue item