Programme SAP RFFDIS40 - Compare Cash Management Summary Records with Postings

This program displays the summary records created in Cash Management.The generated list of summary records is used to compare with actual FIpostings that the system automatically supplies Cash Management with.
The summary records from Cash Management are compared with thesummarized FI document line items listed by program RFFDEP00. (Youcannot compare the bank accounts with the figures supplied by RFFDEP00,since when Cash Management is reorganized, the bank account amounts areset up only according to balances and the cash management informationis not stored in the line items. Therefore, items are sometimes missingin the figures supplied by program RFFDEP00 for the bank accounts. Bankaccounts have to be compared directly with the G/L transaction figures.You may, however, find that differences exist if parked documents havebeen posted to the bank accounts. You then have to add the parkeddocuments, depending on table 001. If you specified in table 001 (viewV_001_I) that the system update Materials Management data in CashManagement, you can add only the parked documents that do not containany lines items with order references. If this update does not occur,you have to add all parked documents. To compare line items fromMaterials Management and Sales and Distribution, use programs RFFDMM00and RFFDSD00.) The programs have the same sorting options whichsimplify the compare procedure.
Summary records are generated by updating all postings in

  • bank accounts / bank clearing accounts and

  • subledger accounts

  • and are stored in two separate tables.
    All postings with the same key, that is, the same planning date,planning level, and planninggroup, are combined into one summary record in the appropriatetable.
    In addition to the FI postings, the memo records that are manuallyentered are stored in the summary record tables for Cash Management.This produces variances in comparison with the actual postings fromFinancial Accounting. Therefore, the program adjusts the summaryrecords changed by or resulting from memo records accordingly.
    During a reorganization run, it is, however, possible that memo recordscan no longer be allocated.

    In the reorganization run, you specified that all summary records witha value or planning date before 7/1/1993 are to be summarized on thisdate. Therefore, a memo record manually entered with a value date of6/1/1993 cannot be allocated to a summary record with a matching keybecause a summary record with this date no longer exists.
    Thus the program allocates all memo records with a planning date beforethe last summarization date to summary records with a planning dateequal to the summarization date. To have the program do this, you mustenter the "Last reorganization summarization date".

    You can choose between different forms of output:
    summary record (S), accompanying memo records (M), adjusted summaryrecord (C) (can be recognized by the symbols on the left).
    all summary records, all memo records, all adjusted summary records
    only summary records and adjusted summary records
    only adjusted summary records
    In each case, the totals of the individual currencies for each companycode are also displayed.

    Alternatively, you can use the cash management implementation tool toperform the reconciliation (transaction FDFD - "Data reconciliation"function). This makes it unnecessary to reconcile two lists manually,but may not pick up all the errors a manual check would find. For moreinformation, read the program documentation.

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