Programme SAP RFFDEP00 - Register of Cash Management Summary Records from Postings

With the open items from customer and vendor accounts as well as theopen items from G/L accounts, this program determines the data thatmake up the summary records in Cash Management:

  • Planning date

  • Planned amount in planned currency (document currency/account currency)

  • Planning level

  • Planning group

  • The planned currency for vendor and customer items is the documentcurrency, and is always the account currency for G/L account items.
    You compare the generated list with the cash management summary recordsdetermined by program RFFDIS40. (Bank accounts can not be compared inthis procedure. To do this, you have to compare the results fromprogram RFFDIS40 with the G/L transaction figures. You may, however,find that differences exist if parked documents have been posted to thebank accounts. For more information about this, see the documentationon program RFFDIS40.) The two programs have the same sorting options,which simplify the compare procedure.

    The program generates a list which you can send separated by companycodes to different printers. You can also choose from varioussummarization levels for outputting the list. Each summarization levelin the display is marked as follows:
    Level 1 = *
    Level 2 = **, and so on
    All summary records and all line items for each summary record aredisplayed at the lowest summarization level (0). All postings from theperiod you specify are displayed at the highest summarization level (5)and are summarized by currency and company code.
    When you choose a summarization level between 0 and 5, the form ofoutput depends on the sort sequence you select.

    Example 1
    You select sort sequence 1:
    company code, currency, planning date, account/group, business area,level
    The following illustrates which data the system displays at eachsummarization level using this sort sequence. (Company code andcurrency are displayed at each summarization level. The currency isalways in front of the amount.)

    • Summarization level 1:

    • company code, planning date, account/group, business area, level
      Summarization level 1 represents exactly one cash management summaryrecord. Choose this level (or level 0) to compare the summary recordsmanaged in Cash Management. In doing this, specify the same sortsequence in both programs in order to obtain the best possiblecomparison of the generated lists.
      • Summarization level 2:

      • company code, planning date, account/group, business area
        • Summarization level 3:

        • company code, planning date, account/group
          • Summarization level 4:

          • company code, planning date

            Example 2
            You choose sort sequence 4:
            company code, currency, planning date, level, account/group, businessarea
            With this sort sequence, the system displays the following data at eachsummarization level:

            • Summarization level 1:

            • company code, planning date, level, account/group, business area
              • Summarization level 2:

              • company code, planning date, level, account/group
                • Summarization level 3:

                • company code, planning date, level
                  • Summarization level 4:

                  • company code, planning date

                    To limit the list output to one account type, for example G/L accounts,enter the account type in the appropriate parameter. Otherwise, theprogram selects all postings in the customer, vendor and G/L accountsas long as other selections you make do not limit these account.
                    The program uses the logical database BRF (document database), and isto be executed in background processing for run-time reasons.

                    Alternatively, you can use the cash management implementation tool toperform the reconciliation (transaction FDFD - "Data reconciliation"function). This makes it unnecessary to reconcile two lists manually,but may not pick up all the errors a manual check would find. For moreinformation, read the program documentation.

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