Programme SAP RFFDEA00 - Enhanced Reconciliation of Cash Management

This program reconciles the totals records from planning tables FDSR andFDSB with the matching memo records from the applications, or from theFI accounting documents.
For bank accounts (G/L accounts not managed with IOs), the transactionfigures are taken into account for the reconciliation.

If cash management and forecast (CM&F) has been reorganized, you mustspecify the summarization date included in the selection mask for thelast reorganization run (report RFFDIS00).
If you do not know the summarization date, you have two options:

  • Enter a summarization date which you are sure is later than the
  • summarization data last used in the reorganization.
    • Enter a comparrison period which you are sure begins later than the
    • summarization date last used in the reorganization.
      If you do not enter a comparrison period, bank account balances areincluded, at least in summary form. This means that the totals recordsare not output separately for each planning date, but are accumulatedacross all planning dates and the accumulated totals record is issuedwith the addition 'up to 31.12.9999',provided a difference is determinedFor these accounts the G/L accounts transaction figures and not the FIaccounting documents are evaluated for reconcilation, so that no entriesfrom table BSEG are listed for these accounts.
      If the bank account balances are reconciled, the planning level in theG/L account masters must not be changed again after CM&F has beenreconstructed.

      There is no system output if no errors occur during reconcilation. Wherethere are differences between the totals records and the single records
      ,the totals records are highlighted and the relevant single recordslisted.
      You can suppress the memo record display by not setting the flag "Memorecord output - error". The system then only lists the incorrect totalsrecords.
      At the end, the report checks if there are still memo records or lineline items in the cash management and forcast.
      If such revords do exist, they are output as errors with a table of theaccumulated memo records. If the accumulated memo records amount to zero, then the missing totals records are insignificant.
      This program is an alternative to the CM&F reconciliation programs usedup to now.

      • RFFDIS40 against RFFDEP00 for bank clearing accounts, customers, and
      • vendors
        • RFFDIS40 against G/L transaction figures for bank accounts

        • RFFDIS40 against RFFDMM00 for purchase orders

        • RFFDIS40 against RFFDSD00 for orders

        • If data inconsistencies are found, cash management should be completelyor partially reconstructed. Issuing this report can help to limit datainconsistency and therefore also the reconstruction necessary. (You canfind more information on data inconsistency and recreation in SAP note65309.)
          This program does not check data imported using distributed TR-CM.

17165ABS: Reconcile cash position with the G/L account transactio