Programme SAP FAGL_OBJCHECK - NewGL Analysis: Check Object Number Inconsistencies

This report analyzes object number inconsistencies in the tables in newGeneral Ledger Accounting.
Object number inconsistencies can lead to the following errors:

  • Totals records are not updated correctly.

  • Totals records do not match the corresponding line items

  • Distribution or assessment programs (allocations) produce inexplicable
  • results
    • Incorrect data is extracted in the delta extraction of FI-GL totals
    • records (DataSource 0FI_GL_10 or 3FI_GL_xx_TT, xx = ledger).
      • It takes too long to update a totals record
      • Prerequisites
        New General Ledger Accounting must be activated.

        The report analyzes the totals table and the associated object tablesfor the ledgers in General Ledger Accounting.
        The following checks are made:

        • Check for object number inconsistencies

        • Check for zero values in the totals record table

        • Check performed on the number range objects GL_FLEX0 - GL_FLEX8

        • Any inconsistencies must be corrected by qualified personnel only.Correction of the object number inconsistencies should mean that theabove errors no longer occur.
          Afterwards, other reports can be used to analyze and correct anyinconsistencies between the totals table and the line item table.

          The following selection criteria are available:

          • Ledger

          • By specifying a ledger, you restrict the checks to that ledger.
            • Option: All Ledgers of Assigned Table

            • When this option is selected, the system checks all data records of therelevant ledger table.
              • List: Summary Only

              • If the number of inconsistent data records is large, it is useful todisplay a summary only. A detailed output is only useful for a smallnumber of inconsistent data records.
                • Additional Parameters

                • Large totals tables can cause problems with memory space. Consequently,it may be necessary to restrict the selection by using additionalparameters (such as fiscal year, company code, or account).

                  The output list provides you with an overview of any inconsistencies inthe individual object tables.
                  Red traffic lights denote object number inconsistencies in the relevantobject tables. The individual defective data records are listed in thedetail list.
                  Any zero values in the totals records are displayed as a note in theheader of the output list.
                  Cause and Origin of Object Number Inconsistencies
                  Object number inconsistencies cannot be created during the normal updateprocess. In most cases, object number inconsistencies are caused byexternal programs that change values in the totals table but withoutadjusting the object tables accordingly.
                  Furthermore, changes made subsequently in the table structure of thegeneral ledger tables can lead to the same kind of inconsistencies.
                  For a better understanding of what causes object number inconsistencies,we need to take a look at how the tables in new General LedgerAccounting are built:
                  In classic General Ledger Accounting, the transaction figures in totalstable GLT0 are updated with 11 key fields. Uniquely accessing a datarecord using such a key does not generally pose a problem for arelational database.
                  New General Ledger Accounting, on the other hand, uses additionalaccount assignment fields (such as Profit Center, Segment, or CostElement). Furthermore, customers can add their own key fields accordingto their needs. As a consequence, the system needs to be able to managea maximum of 30 key fields so that a data record can be identifieduniquely using a key.
                  Most databases can only manage a limited number of key fields. The SAAnorm allows a maximum of 16 key fields.
                  To circumvent this technical restriction, multiple key fields aresummarized into a single object number field in additional tables (=object tables):
                  Example: Object table FAGLFLEX02
                  In this way, each object number corresponds to a combination of valuesof specific logical key fields. An object table is assigned to eachobject number field in new General Ledger Accounting.
                  In the above example, object number 1 in client 001 therefore stands forthe combination of account = 400000 and cost element = 400000.
                  All key fields are summarized into different logical groups anddistributed across nine different object tables (such as tables FAGL
                  FLEX00 through FAGLFLEX08).
                  Each data record of an object table contains an object numberrepresenting a unique combination of the key fields contained.
                  The totals table then only contains the object number fields OBJNR00 -OBJNR08 as unique key fields.
                  Example: FAGLFLEXT:
                  Key Fields in Table FAGLFLEXT,, Table Assigned
                  X RCLNT
                  X RYEAR
                  X OBJNR00,,Table FAGLFLEX00
                  X OBJNR01,, Table FAGLFLEX01
                  X OBJNR02,, Table FAGLFLEX02
                  X OBJNR03,, Table FAGLFLEX03
                  X OBJNR04,, Table FAGLFLEX04
                  X OBJNR05,, Table FAGLFLEX05
                  X OBJNR06,, Table FAGLFLEX06
                  X OBJNR07,, Table FAGLFLEX07
                  X OBJNR08,, Table FAGLFLEX08
                  X DRCRK
                  X RPMAX
                  Use of the SAP standard programs and modules ensures that therelationship between object table and totals table is built correctly.
                  If, however, there are any inconsistencies, the system may not be ableto update the totals table correctly. Consequently, consistency betweenthe totals table and the object tables is the prerequisite for correctlyupdating the totals table.

1543309FAGL_OBJCHECK: Unnecessarily high authorization check
940668New general ledger: Analysis of obj number inconsistencies