SAP Note 940668 - New general ledger: Analysis of obj number inconsistencies

Composant : Flexible Structures - General Ledger Accounting

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
faglflext          assigned tables----------------------------------------------------------           rclnt           ryear          objnr00   <-->  object table faglflex00          objnr01   <-->  object table faglflex01          objnr02   <-->  object table faglflex02          objnr03   <-->  object table faglflex03          objnr04   <-->  object table faglflex04          objnr05   <-->  object table faglflex05          objnr06   <-->  object table faglflex06          objnr07   <-->  object table faglflex07          objnr08   <-->  object table faglflex08           activ, faglflex00      short description--------------------------------------------------------------------          active                  business business transaction fi-sl          rmvct                  transaction type          rtcur                  currency key          runit                  base unit, measure          awtyp                  reference procedure          objnr00                object number, tabelle $ enthält keine kontierungsfelder aber es existieren mehrere obj, summentabelle $ enthält felder mit dem wert null, table groupa separate object number, summary table faglflext      fields, object number objnr00 represents, referring object table $'text-051, mehrere einträge für die gleichen kombination

Notes associées :

1543309FAGL_OBJCHECK: Unnecessarily high authorization check
1147908New GL: Incorr val for delta extraction due to null values
1093957HWU - totals table conversion of the New G/L (FAGLFLEXT)
889639FAGL_GINS: NotNull indicator with customer include fields