Programme SAP CORUAFWP - Post Goods Movements From Confirmations Using Report

You can use program CORUAFWP to post preselected goods movements. Suchpreselections can be written from the transactions: "Createconfirmation", "Picking" or "Reprocessing goods movements".
Both goods receipt items and goods issue items can be posted. If bothtypes of item exist, the goods receipts are posted first so as to avoidas many errors as possible due to missing stock when the goods issue isposted.
Program CORUAFWP is normally implemented in background jobs that aredispatched periodically. However, it can also be started online.
If the program is to be run as a background job, a variant has to bespecified, which makes it possible for program CORUAFWP to beparameterized.
The following parameters are allowed:

  • Order category: The following order categories are permitted:

  • 10 PP production order
    20 PS network
    30 PM maintenance order
    40 PPPI process order
    • Max. number of document items: Portions are formed out of the entire
    • set of goods movements to be posted and one material document iscreated for each of these portions. At the same time, this numberaffects the number of active lock entries in the whole lock table. Forperformance reasons, you should not allow such a portion to become toolarge. This ensures that the individual items can be processed from thepoint of view of inventory management and also that there are fewerlock entries in the system as a whole.
      • Max. number of locks per document: The document size can also be
      • determined based on the expected locks for each goods movement. It isassumed that the following lock entries can be set:
        MARC: Material storage location
        MBEW: Material valuation
        AFFW: Incorrect goods movements
        RKPF: Reservation of goods issue item
        AUFK: Order for goods receipt item
        VBAP: Sales order item
        • Application server group: Using this entry, the parallel posting of
        • goods movements can be carried out on a predefined group of applicationservers. You can maintain the RFC groups by choosing the menu path:Tools -> Administration, Administration -> Network -> RFC destination,RFC -> RFC groups are maintained.
          • Number of parallel processes: You can use this entry to restrict the
          • number of simultaneously processed portions. If no number exists, thesystem calculates the maximum number of available work processes on theapplication servers available. The number of parallel processes, alongwith the parameters "Max. number of document items" and "Max. number oflocks per document", directly affects the total number of active lockentries in the global lock table.
            • Max. selected lines: By entering this number, it is possible to read in
            • and process just a limited number of preselected goods movements. Thiscan also be useful for preventing periodically dispatched jobsoccasionally clashing with preceding jobs that are still active, withthe result that they cannot be started.
              • Indicator "With incorrect goods movements": This indicator should be
              • set if incorrect goods movements are to posted along with thepreselection records for goods movements. For example, this can beuseful if goods movements fail relatively frequently, because, forexample, insufficient stock is temporarily available in the warehousedue to serialization problems when goods receipts and issues areposted. This problem can then be solved at a later stage by a previousgoods receipt posting.
                • Indicator "Only goods receipt items": If this indicator is set, only
                • goods receipt items are processed. This indicator is useful, forexample, if goods receipt postings are to occur as quickly as possible,to enable the final product to be delivered. For backflushing, however,it is sufficient if they are posted periodically during the night. Inthis case, two jobs can be scheduled that use the same program, butusing different variants.
                  • Indicator "Repeat job": As the goods movements are being processed, new
                  • preselection records can be created by transactions that are being usedat the same time. It can be useful to process these as well in theprogram that was originally started. If this indicator is set, a checkis carried out for new entries that have been added before programCORUAFWP is finished. If new entries are found, these goods movementsare immediately processed. If not, the program is stopped withoutdelay. This indicator can only be set, if the indicator "With incorrectgoods movements" is NOT set.
                    • Indicator "No log": In the case of incorrect goods movements, it is
                    • standard practice to record the numbers of the created materialdocuments and the individual items in a log. If program CORUAFWP isrunning in a background job, the log is stored in the spool. Theindicator can be set to prevent this sort of log being created.
                      • Indicator "Serial processing": If this indicator is set, the portions
                      • are serially processed. In this way, performance can be improvedbecause "expensive" logins and logouts that occur during parallelprocessing are removed. This should be checked for each case.
                        • Indicator "Simulation": If this indicator is set, you receive a preview
                        • of goods movements waiting to be processed. No locks are set duringthis procedure.

309050Logging of deleted AFFW records
756547 CO1P, COFC, COGI: New layout of interfaces
934878CORUAFWP: Problems with new log output, part 2
623161CO1P: Goods receipt items are not posted
133049COGI: Function 'Save for Background Processing'
747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00
741800 GR by-product: User Exit COPCP002 is not run
632426Automatic goods movement creates delivery (HU-managed SLoc)
323429MESSAGE_TYPE_X during goods movements from confirmations
303812CO13: AFFW records in spite of posted cancellation
305116CORUAFWP:Double goods mvmnts & performance problems
402286Goods movement: Incorrect reason in material document (2)
208477Consulting: Process control in confirmation
458140RU523: Incorrect grouping of dependent goods movements
327137Problems with dependent goods movements as of Release 4.5
442966Goods movements for reprocessing not visible in COGI!
306664Not possible to process future change record/error rec.
357305No res. update f. cancellation of dep. goods mvmnt
313985Cancel confirmation with goods mvts as of Rel. 4.6
302045CORUPROC: No locks for detailed planned changes
381268Update goods movements MESSAGE_TYPE_X RU 888
312584PDC: Confirmations with goods movements
333044Dependent goods movements with incorrect doc. date
304222CORUAFWP/CORUPROC: Multiple goods movements
332860CORUAFWP/CORUPROC: System message 888
308818CO13/CORUPROC: Process lock does not work
212579CO13: Goods movement with errors M7111