Programme SAP CORUAFW0 - Post Goods Movements From Confirmations Using Report

You can specify that goods movements that are triggered by theconfirmation (for example, backflushes, automatic goods receipts) arestored by the system temporarily and periodically posted using thisreport.

Goods movements are stored temporarily if you maintain the indicator'background' (section goods movements) in Customizing for productioncontrol (see define confirmation parameters.
For goods movements that fail during confirmation, the system alwayswrites error messages.

Selection conditions
You can define the following conditions in the report:

  • order types

  • For example, if you enter order type '10' then only goods movements forproduction orders are selected.
    • Maximum number of document items

    • Here you specify how many document items per material document are written.
      For example if you enter 300 as the maximum number then once 300document items have been reached the system automatically created a newmaterial document.
      • With incorrect goods movements

      • If you set this indicator the system tries to repost any alreadyexisting incorrect goods movements.
        This is particularly useful in those cases where the goods movementscould not be carried out at the time of posting because
        the reservation was locked, or
        the stock was not sufficient for backflushes.
        Thus you can, if necessary, reduce the number of goods movements to bemanually reentered.
        • Sort and cumulate

        • If you set this indicator then the system first sorts individualrecords from the confirmation by material and reservation. Ifindividual records exist for an operation with identical items numbersin the component overview then these individual records are combined inone document item.
          This processing type reduces the number of necessary document items.
          • Simulation

          • This indicator gives you the option of simulating the goods movementsbefore any actual posting. You can use the simulation to check whichgoods movements have not yet been posted.

133049COGI: Function 'Save for Background Processing'
323429MESSAGE_TYPE_X during goods movements from confirmations
208477Consulting: Process control in confirmation
327137Problems with dependent goods movements as of Release 4.5
442966Goods movements for reprocessing not visible in COGI!
306664Not possible to process future change record/error rec.
313985Cancel confirmation with goods mvts as of Rel. 4.6
302045CORUPROC: No locks for detailed planned changes
198460Cancelltn of auto.GR retrns incor. offsettng postn
333044Dependent goods movements with incorrect doc. date
304222CORUAFWP/CORUPROC: Multiple goods movements
332860CORUAFWP/CORUPROC: System message 888
308818CO13/CORUPROC: Process lock does not work