Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
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Lors de l'utilisation du moteur J2EE pour générer un dump de thread de tous les threads Java sur un nœud, assurez-vous que le nœud Java n'est pas en mode console en vérifiant l'absence de paramètre "ID
directory /usr/sap/<sid>/<instance>/j2ee/cluster/dispatcher /usr/sap/<sid>/<instance>/j2ee/cluster/server# /usr/sap/<sid>/<instance>/sdm/program, /usr/sap/<sid>/<instance> /j2ee/cluster/instance, /usr/sap/<sid>/<instance>/j2ee/os_libs directory, /usr/sap/<sid>/sys/exe/run directory, /usr/sap/<sid>/<instance>/work/std_<node, bat <iseries_hostname> <sidofr> <sidofr_password> <spoolfile_name> <file_number> <job_name> <job_number>, bat as0096 sidofr secret qdmpjvm 2qpadev0004 sidofr 060594, choose option 16 'trigger java vm dump', sap management console, needed java thread dump information
1518273 1337417 Analyzing high CPU consumption by J2EE Engine: IBM i 1329242 IBM i: Classic VM nodes after SIGQUIT 1321831 General considerations when opening a NWDI support message 1305653 IBM i: DMPJVMSAP terminates in multi-threaded environment 1121580 Portal stops responding All threads hang NW04s SP9 1053604 JDK heap dump and heap profiling on HP-UX 1053495 Settings to get a heapdump with IBM JVM on AIX 1020246 Thread Dump Viewer for SAP Java Engine 1016241 J2EE Engine hangs because of unsufficient system threads 1004255 How to create a full HPROF heap dump of J2EE Engine 6.40/7.0 963635 Missing J2EE console logs: std_<node>.out and jvm_<node>.out 937159 XI Adapter Engine is stuck 878909 Server/dispatcher doesn't start,ConfigurationManager hangs 855213 Deadlock in start up of dispatcher process 777636 Dead Lock in 764417 Information for troubleshooting of the SAP J2EE Engine 6.40 743207 Analyzing High CPU usage by the J2EE Engine: Windows 743206 Analyzing High CPU usage by the J2EE Engine: Solaris 743204 Analyzing High CPU usage by the J2EE Engine: HP-UX 743192 Analyzing High CPU usage by the J2EE Engine: Linux 743191 Analyzing High CPU usage by the J2EE Engine: AIX 742395 Analyzing High CPU usage by the J2EE Engine 599539 J2EE Engine: How to create a full thread dump