SAP Note 672255 - Shortened fiscal year/changing fiscal periods

Composant : Landscape Transformation Services -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
En réponse à des actions corporatives telles que des fusions ou des acquisitions, SAP propose des directives pour ajuster les années et périodes fiscales au sein de ses systèmes, affectant de nombreux modules tels que FI, MM et SD. Les ajustements peuvent inclure la configuration d'années fiscales raccourcies ou prolongées, ou la modification des périodes selon des règles spécifiques comme la règle 4-4-5. Les risques liés à des modifications inappropriées peuvent entraîner des incohérences de données ou des arrêts de système. L'équipe d'Optimisation du Paysage Systémique (SLO) de SAP fournit analyse et support pour ces changements afin de garantir que les prérequis sont respectés et pour aider à mettre en œuvre ces ajustements de manière sûre et efficace. Des services de conseil dédiés sont disponibles pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques, décrits dans du contenu téléchargeable.

Mots Clés :
fiscal periodsnon-calendar fiscal yearfiscal year change, prolonged fiscal yearnon-calendar fiscal year, shortened fiscal year prolonged fiscal year, -clndr fyfiscal year = calendar year, enterprise fiscal yearshortened fiscal year, fiscal year = calendar year, 5-4-4 rule 4-5-4 rule 4-4-5 rule 4-4-4 rule rebuilding, live sap system affects, shortened fiscal year consulting, prolonged fiscal year

Notes associées :

1755708Customer Info System: Shortened Fiscal Year
1698292Termination due to missing fiscal year periods
1620005Transport of fiscal year: Values zero
1603145Error in depreciation calculation in a shortened fiscal year
1598547FAGL_MIG075 when changing a non-leading ledger FY variant
1589384FAGLCORC: Error message GU506 for shortened fiscal year
1580227FAGLB03: "Month" field incorrect for individual account
1572545Wrong reduction of depreciation in a shortened fiscal year
1571928Expired life is not correct after a shortened fiscal year
1539300BW-BCT: FI extraction with shortened fiscal year
1491641Date incorrect for shortened fiscal year
1429487Shortened fiscal year and percentage rate key
1408334RMCBS039 / posting period: Missing dates
1407784FAGLB03: Special periods nt dsplyd crrctly (addtional chars)
1400993Incorr. deprec. in short. fiscal year in case of weighting
1399615LIS update:Incorrect periods during company code change
1394296SAPF100: Period balance valuation in shortened fiscal year
1385783FAGLL03: Fiscal year variants with large number of periods
1375438Globalization Collection Note
1364062Shortened fiscal year in periodic revenue deferral
1362621SAPDBBRF: Period end accrual/deferral in non-leading ledger
1353774GP12N: no data posted for periods, which are multiple of 16
1340365FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE: Values from incorrect period
1326321Wrong year for period/year in case of shifted periods
1281578Plan to plan copy for multiple years
1267774FGV 003 when recalculating or changing fixed asset
1266394FGV 002 when maintaining time-dependent depreciation terms
1258470Costing: Customizing for transfer control
1178736GU 505 unjustified when deleting cost element
1178233FAGL_GET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE: Values selected from incorr period
1174360Deleting transaction data at company code level
1172042Customer Info System: Shortened Fiscal Year
1168350MESSAGE_TYPE_X with BK 830
1165448FBCB: Non-leading ledger with different fiscal year
1159925CH, AT: Probleme mit verschobenem Geschäftsjahr in Hon.vb.
1158498Characteristic value not plausible (BRAIN 027)
1153251AA 662 when posting or in Asset Explorer
1150706Cost estimate creation: BCD_ZERODIVIDE short dump
1148384No depreciation in shortened fiscal year
1136919Message GU506 still raised after applying note 1119290.
1126591Message type COTOTL - error in shortened fiscal year
1125512KSU2: check for deviating posting periods
1119290GP12N: shortened fiscal year, error message GU506.
1115841AW01N - Display expired useful life (add. to Note 1021326)
1103940Fiscal year variant in consolidation staging ledger
1098213OB29: incorrect error message for the year 9999
1097156Periods above 53 (fiscal year variants)
1093866CORR: Error corrections in P&E add-on
1082378Corporate tax reform 2008 - consequences for FI-AA
1081700OB29 and date formats
1073253OB29 and date formats
1070629FAQs: New general ledger migration
1062934AW01N: Error when you display the depreciations posted
1062329FAGLB03: 'Month' in ledger with more than 16 periods
1056150KS01: Cost center creation not possible
1047254FAGLB03: Drilldown using 'Total' incorrect with periods < 12
1041753FAGLB03: Special periods are not displayed correctly
1029639FAGLB03: Drill down incorrect despite Notes 999742/1005736
1028882Total of the revenue lines is not the revenue amount
1026615RASIMU02: Simulation for a max. of 12 years or periods only
1025605Ledger-specific posting in ledger with more than 16 periods
1024356Year dependent Fiscal Year Variant
1021326AW01N - Display of expired useful life and remaining life
1010159Asset Explorer - incorrect display of posted values
1007458AC 518 when maintaining unit-of-production depreciation
996035Estimated costs after changing the fiscal year variants
989553FAGLB03: Field 'Month' is not filled correctly
986903RFBILA00: Check & display reporting period/comparison period
980393KS02: Mid-year change to fiscal year-dependent fields
978545Incorrect posting period for shortened fiscal year
977439RFBILA00: Alternative period selection
964452Error KI241 cross-company-code transf posting acc assignment
958246Duplicate posting periods determined incorrectly in fiscal y
956943GWUL - no translation for certain periods
949927The value of the 0FISCPER characteristic is not plausible.
943554PERIOD_DAY_DETERMINE: Incorrect error message (2)
939181BCO: Problems with a shortened fiscal year
931005KEDU: Performance update of summarization levels
930799New balance display: Ledger with more than 16 periods
922583FAA TENV Debbuger:Missing reduction in shortened fiscal year
918218Incorrectly determined posting period/fiscal year variant
916285AW01N: Transaction terminates with error message FGV002
910149Self-defined standard analyses (INVCO): Too many periods
908365INVCO standard analysis: Unnecessary periods
901357Supplement for Note 895188
895188Posting period with fiscal year variant
888875MRN1 MRN2 error when stock quantities are weighted
873095Change to shortened fiscal year not possibly
868267Taking fiscal year Customizing into account
862763RKACOR04: error while reading period date
849016OB29: FGV556 (period gaps) incorrect
845640MRN1 MRN2 incorrect weighting with very old stocks
845304Inventory Controlling stndrd analysis: Too many periods - 2
8447739KE9: Value displayed as zero
844029Inconsistent fiscal year variant with ledgers in the NewGL
822073Value from previous period not transferred
806953SETTLEMENT: Results are posted to special periods
800129The value of the 0FISCPER characteristic is not plausible.
800060ACE: Error message FGV003 during periodic accrual run
799719Shortened fiscal year and half periods
7915860FI_AA_002: Error in special periods in shortened years
780436KS01: Moderating check w/ non-calendar fiscal year
779166Currency translation not possible - error GU506
771604Performance problem when editing SD documents
771151Consolidation unit: Fiscal year variant
757424Neues Hauptbuch ERP 1.0: GLU2 hat zu wenige Periodenfelder
7527040FI_GL_1: Implausible value for 0FISCPER characteristic
744408BAPI_COAREA_GETPERIODLIMITS: Incorrect error message
742308CO extractors: Data from non-existent periods
726276GU506 : Undo correction of Note 685318
719597Cash Budget Management: Change of fiscal year variant
718991Year-dependent fiscal year variant, period texts not found
711873TA UMB_CUST: Shortened fiscal year in Balanced Scorecard
688190SAPF100: Balance Calculated for Period 12 Incorrect
676337Financials Basis: Primary fiscal year variant
661434MC94: MA120 during the access in the planning
648400AW01N: Maximum display of planned values is 100 years
642551F7214 - RFUVDE00 - Checking fiscal year variant in detail
618935COIN: incorrect message KI242
606715Period texts for year-dependent moved fiscal year
594628BCO standard analysis: Too many periods
591708EC-EIS: Interactive Excel: Selection via 7-character period
587116Year shift by 2 or 3 years
584443Complete depreciatn in shortened year in spite of Customzng
576147Update of table TMC4 is missing when you save in MC7F
575992Technical fiscal year variant with period W and P
574958Terminatn of mainten.of depr.simulation data of WBS elements
573823SAP Kons.: Different GJV for integrated KonsEinheiten
570081RFBELJ10: Error message F5559
564866Special periods are ignored in shortened fiscal year
563940Texts of posting periods of a fiscal year variant
563570Transferring period texts from an OLTP System
560306Total of the revenue lines is not the revenue amount
557891Problems when changing the fiscal year variant
549830RFDOPR20:Incorrect OI-volume with non-calendar fiscal year
546846CCSS: Period texts with shortened fiscal year
546438Termination message GU506 not authorized
537571Exception I_LOGNR_INVALID with reduced fiscal year
535168Error GU506 during activity valuation
531623KS133 unjustified when deleting a cost center
525150Message GU506 when calling EP report from summary report
520918KP06 and foll.: Termination or message GU508 or K9018
520431Problems when changing the revenue account
515571AW01N: Incorrect remaining life with shortened fiscal years
507636KP06ff: Check of fiscal year variant
506632Incorrect depreciation in shortened fiscal year
505738Termination I_LOGNR_INVALID with settlement reversal
504918FI drilldown reporting: incorrect text for period
500165Incorrect period after reversal of a commitment carried forw
497034LIS: Changing the fiscal year variant
486884SAPF100 - Balance is not valuated at end of year
486699WIP calculation + results analysis ignores special periods
485155Drilldown reporting:incor.calculatn for shortend fiscal year
484048RAPERGEN: last period in shortened fiscal year
481938System Landscape Optimization Services
481770Missing periods in VBREVE (Revenue Recognition Lines)
451359OB29: Maintain period texts for shortened fiscal years
447265RGCEUR30: Error GU506 for shortened fiscal year
442174Change of fiscal year variant in scheduling agreement
441790SAP Cons: Message GU506 for consolidation reconciliation
434558Changing the fiscal year variant -> error message CK163
433367CO plan data in ledger with non-calendar fiscal year
4314371KE0:planning data transfer for shortened fiscal year
427920Analysis program for fiscal year conversion
425314MRP and fiscal year variant: Incorrect dates and quantities
423106KP9R/KP9S: Errors and performance problems
418953ALLOCATION: GA099 for creating a cycle
418730Incorrect values in revaluation with shortened fiscal year
413198Order settlement to material in special period
412091FI-SL Reporting: Conversion of a date into the period
408778Period control rule not completely generated
407950Bal.displays FI: Error message FDBL010/shortend fiscal year
403152MRN1 MRN2 Stock - release upgrade and Short.FYr
399549AW01N short dump
397925Generate period controls in shortened fiscal year
397187AU207 for shortened fiscal year
395980Line item report: constraint on special periods
395117Performance problem while processing SD documents
390466Commitment that was carried forward is cancelled
390274CO-EP reports: No line items in Transaction KOB4
386846xxx data selection redesign RM07MMFI
383789Settlmnt period depnds on year-specific fiscal year variant
382747CO line item reports: Missing postings in special periods
381430Copy plan version: Projects and orders
374801Overheads in special periods w/ shortened fiscal year
374446Error GU506 with shortened fiscal year
373894Collective note: introdctn to prblm solutn in FI-AA
359815Error message FGV002 for special periods
357901Connection FY variant invstmt prgm <-> ctrlng area
357375Settlement: AA613 for AuC intracompany transfer
356191FY variant program definition/controlling area different
339043Demand management and change of calendar
337994Update termination HFPT_COEJA_PP_ORDER_RPSCO_V2
333711OB29: Missing table keys in the transport request
332515CJ9B, CJ9F: Copy planning elements, billing elements
325985CO-EP reports: postings missing in special periods
319049RFDKLI41:Wrong highest balance at end of 6/12 mnths
313683BAPI for CO actual postings: Error GU506
312003FOKP/KK16: Message GU508 is unjustified
308685Balance display FI: Period text not displayed
301784Data entry EIS Raise Exception I_ERROR KED2
216776RFEWA011 selects old fiscal year (ANALYZE)
216653Archiving cost centers: message GU506
215119Drilldown report: error AF003 for curr. translation
213773Changing currency or fiscal year variant in controlling area
210861Changing fiscal year variant in production system
210214Period weighting in shortened fiscal years
207859Drilldown report: error AF003 for curr. translation
202738KPZ2: periods for shortened fiscal year
202687OB29: FGV(600) / FGV(602) in fiscal year variant maintenance
200877Daily depreciation w/ period weighting does nt work
198834Drilldown reportng: FGV003 for currency translation
198772Kein EFZ-Anspruch zu Jahresbeginn bei Rumpfjahres-Regelung
198767SD FI: Postings in special periods
197254FI: KE 507 with different fiscal year variant
197211Fiscal year change in scheduling agreements
196067Results analysis and shortened fiscal years
193713SAPF070: Change of fiscal year variant
191962KSAZ: Message KI216
191461CJZ1: AF003/ Problems w. non-calendar fiscal year
189761Reconstruction of data in Funds Managemnt as of Release 4.5A
183546Shortened fisc.year and depreciatn by fiscal years
180501AF-003 Changing sales and distribution documents
180067OB29: Calendar year>2200 is incorrect
173220Half-year rule and shortened fiscal year
169808KP06ff: Deficient check for shortened fiscal year
164999Error message AF002, FGV002 FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET
163998Working with fiscal year variants
161562Display o.prev.period/year fr shortened fiscal year
158248Primary data price variances and short FY
158124Correction of incorrect planned revenues from SD
143345Expired useful life: transfer and post-capitaliztn
139650GI132 when you enter statistical key figures
139552GB01: Special period and shortened fiscal year
137893Text variables for the period display prior period
134955Collective note: error message CK162 or CK214
134381Invoiced quantity is not settled correctly
130869Settlement rule: Validity period for shortened fiscal year
129337Archiving CO_ITEM: Year-dependent fiscal year variants
123026Shortened fiscal year is not recognized/AA653
121478Settlement/overheads: in special periods
112690Generating period control w/t transport connection
110903AA654 Entering an investment support key
107293FAQ: cross-company-code cost accounting
107211Different fiscal years in FI and CO
104155OB29: Maintenance of more than 16 period texts
103635CO-PA: Different fiscal year variant for weeks
98745Repair of incorrect planned revenues from SD docmts
94259Planning data transfer uses incorr. posting periods
93326Shortened fiscal year without special periods in CO
92320Transfer statistical key figures CCA -> PCA
90712ALLOCATION: Fiscal year variant changed
90240SLO Conversion Services
87793RAALTD11: NDABJ not taken over/cum. depr. incorrect
83213Incor.deprctn during half periods & shortnd fisc.yr
82499No reversal function for depreciation posting run
80963Incorr. depr. start date for year-dep. fiscal years
78471(MM) Mixed acct assignment cat. in PO: doc. header missing
69384Information: Account-based Profitability Analysis
67641Settl. ignores spec. periods in shortend fisc. year
62138Message GU506 when branching to line item report
52963Reconstruction of project info database (Transaction CJEN)
52011Error in period determination
38285KD206 when spec.period of short.fisc.year
26891Depreciation not reduced in shortened fiscal year
23502MMPV - Error: Table T009B incomplete.
20017EAA613: No period determination possible
12243SIS: Update termination with error M2012
10945F4554: Entry for 12/31 is missing
10891SIS: Update of S014 terminated with error M2012
6556Periods for fiscal year not maintained