SAP Note 623026 - Download R/3 status MARA-MSTAV on CRM distrib.

Composant : Data Exchange Products -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
standard homepage -> solution details -> mysap business suite ->mysap customer relationship mgmt -> solution library ->crm powered, solutions -> mysap business suite ->mysap customer relationship mgmt -> solution library ->crm powered, netweaver -> information integration ->master data management -> product -> product data exchange ->crm products, crm product master, distribution-chain specific sales status, /3 material master sales status, distribution-chain specific status, r3 material master, distribution chain level, customer enhancements

Notes associées :

1722604Error Message COM_PRODUCT_API003
1456995Error message COM_PRODUCT812
497101Mapping of MARA deletion flag in material download
495764Description of the status in the CRM product master
428989Customer-specific enhancements for data exchange