SAP Note 495764 - Description of the status in the CRM product master

Composant : Products -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
i1100 archivable  i1101 archived  i1102 deleted  i1103 blocked  i1104, product status i1103 -> smomara-prodstat, distribution chain-specific status = sales status, product status i1104 -> smomara-lvorm, sales status 'blocked warning/error' exists, sales status i1050 -> smomvke-vmsta, sales status i1051 -> smomvke-vmsta, product header level = product status, product status 'blocked' exists, sets sales status i1050

Notes associées :

623026Download R/3 status MARA-MSTAV on CRM distrib.
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