SAP Message L3898 - No items or handling units to be placed in storage could be determined

The inbound delivery does not have any items or handling units forputaway.
The following reasons could be the cause:

  • The delivery item is not assigned to the specified warehouse number .

  • The delivery item is not assigned to the specified plant.

  • The putaway status of the delivery item is "not relevant" or
  • "completely processed".
    • The WM status of the delivery item is "not relevant".

    • In the delivery item there is no open putaway quantity.

    • The delivery item is assigned to a HU storage location, but there are
    • no handling units packed in the inbound delivery.
      • There are handling units assigned in the inbound delivery; however,
      • thes e are "non-assigned" handling units.
        • The handling units are already put away.
        • Procedure
          To analyze the exact causes, proceed to the display of the delivery.