SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
XDCON_CUST Customizing: Consent Data
XDN1 Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)
XEIP Number range maintenance: EXPIMP
XK01 Create Vendor (Centrally)
XK02 Change vendor (centrally)
XK03 Display vendor (centrally)
XK04 Vendor Changes (Centrally)
XK05 Block Vendor (Centrally)
XK06 Mark vendor for deletion (centrally)
XK07 Change vendor account group
XK11 Create Condition
XK12 Change Condition
XK13 Display Condition
XK14 Create with cond. ref. (cond. list)
XK15 Create Conditions (background job)
XK99 Mass maintenance, vendor master
XKN1 Display Number Ranges (Vendor)
XLOC Check Report for Sch.Agmnt/Sales Odr
XLOR Stock in Transit Display - Recipient
XLOS Stock in Transit Display - Supplier
XMSPKSTATCNF Configuration of Package Statistics
XMSPKSTATMON Monitoring Package Statistics
XMS_SARA Parameter Transaction for TA SARA
XO80 Cockpit for Extensible Objects (XO)
XO_COCKPIT Cockpit for Extensible Objects (XO)
XO_COMPARE Compare Customizing
XO_DOWNLOAD Export Customizing in XML File
XSLS Maintain Number Ranges: RV_SANCPL
XSLT XSLT tester
_ATC_AC_INTERNAL Internal: Not for Access in GUI
_IHC00 Internal - IHC GUI Transaction
Lines 91301 to 91400 of 91333 entries
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