SAP Transaction VF44 - Revenue Recognition: Worklist

Related Notes
206932Revenue recognition run creates no CO-PA documents
338126Faster processing of different tables
423567No SPA/GPA parameter for company code field
317545Improved reading control lines during posting line creation
1080116Report ZZVF44HN
829177Unnecessary error message VFRR 024
1060077Revenue block causes short dump when sales doc is changed
1124664VF44,FASB: Date incorrect if time zone differs
853558M/AM: Cannot branch to the accounting
856381M/AM: VF44, VF46 --> log does not contain any values
389061Incorrect entries in revenue table (VBREVE)
877121Incorrect account determination for unbilled revenues
899061Incorrect account for not invoiced receivables
864318Profit center determntn incorrect for cross-company process
811786Tooltips for VF44/VF46
813850Composite SAP Note: Special 'RevRec' Support Package
855522M/AM: Implementation w/ VF44; revenue lines prepared incorr.
998849KI100 with account assignment to WBS element
810480Post-corrections to special Support Package for 'RevRec'
929556Incorrect CO postings when items are rejected
800983Composite SAP note: Enhancements to revenue recognition
340092Optimization data record processing before/after DB access
1097843Incorr. revenue due to revenue block when changing sales doc
813067Missing check of transaction code
144638M/AM - AC interface: FI document summarization
1081347Minor problems with block indicator
1120297Revenue recognition by acceptance date
520431Problems when changing the revenue account
1489829POD w/ third-party: Additional revenue line at end of proc.
590640Revenues in VF45 displayed incorrectly
1096005Adjustment line items not in correct period
492495Error KI 100 during revenue recognition run
1109406Revenue lines incorrect in POD standard
801002Correction lines for contracts
1447425Data inconsistencies when changing accounts in POD scenarios
811948Change of lock logic in billing
819805Lock logic, reversal, status, posting date (5.00)
798033Lock logic, cancellation, status, posting date (4.6C)
811045Lock logic, cancellation, status, posting date (4.70)
1125456Revenue recognition due to customer-specific event
1025066Revenue recognition by proof of delivery (POD)
780126New DDIC fields in revenue recognition
1000830Revenue recognition through incoming invoice (third-party)
891585FASB52(SD): Transferring the exchange rate date to FI
797528Coordination report for accruals accounts (VF48)