SAP Transaction FP25 - Process Check Lot

Related Notes
305266Payment lot posted incompletely due to blocks
181321Payment lot: Additional selections disappear
217504Selection by contract in payment lot
192845Message EK300 with posting of payment on account
149825Incorrect number of items in payment lot
193606Payment lot in foreign crcy, predefind exchng rate
146001FPE3:Bank data from payment lot for IS-U cash desk
208444Payment clarification: Long waiting time
145880Payment lots, check lots, error >0031
207367Payment lot, selection by amount
146153Clearing in alternative currency for zero lines
163220Error message >0022
164350Error >0802 in payment lot with ex. selection types
172666Error message >0003 when posting payment lot
148983Incorr. cash disc. after partial clearing in EURO
175113Payment differences when clearing instalment plans
178700Items disappear in the payment lot