417174 | SCS: VIAK13 deleted several times within SCS |
151595 | SCS: Missing reposted AP for notice in sett. period |
178053 | SCS: BSEG-MWSKZ doesn't exist f.screen SAPMF05A 301 |
379741 | Dump when saving SCS results w/ > 1000 records |
372943 | Update termination when saving settlement results |
154803 | SCS: Cred/recs for tenant SCS and several SUs |
158058 | SCS: tenant SCS tax code AP vacncy transfer posting |
174483 | SCS: BSEG-MWSKZ doesn't exist f.screen SAPMF05A 300 |
156808 | SCS:tenant SCS transfr postg AP vacncy,tax adjustm. |
306587 | SCS:internal table too large for service charge key |
388098 | SCS: not all viak13 recrds savd w/ more thn 1000 data recrds |
199193 | SCS, ext. heating expenses settlmt, M/L tape: Error I 6D308 |
168541 | SCS etc.: BTCI transf.post.AP incorr. actual princpl |
167874 | SCS/ext.HEsett./sls-bsd RA: BTCI transfer posting AP |
365143 | SCS: wrong results after implementing Note 0359849 |
213425 | SCS: incorrect result - separated master SU |
159464 | SCS/sls-bsd RA/HEsett.:AP w.ZFBDT aftr end attendnce |
158145 | SCS/sls-bsd RA/HEsett :AP w.ZFBDT bef. partic.start |
156318 | SCS: multiple consideration of advance payments |
338155 | Termination when deleting old settlement results |
166692 | SCS/ext.HEsett./sls-bsd RA: transfr AP taxcde chnge |
90114 | SCS: balance in trans.currency when chngng tax code |
191266 | SCS: advance paymnt ignored for reference flow type |
397552 | Pre-apportionment (directly assigned costs) |
302389 | SCS: transfer 'negative' credit balance AP |
359849 | NKA deletes VIAK20 records of previous settlement |
354951 | No VIAK20 records for transfer posted advc payments |
184524 | SCS: AP transferred - but ignored in VIAK20 |
351213 | Pre-assessment or costs assigned directly to LOs |
452674 | SCS: Tax posting |
584058 | SCS according to Czech law |