320120 | Ext.HE sett:SPOOL_TEMSE_ERROR for update in backgnd |
307490 | Externl heatng expenses settlement w/ severl heating systems |
206396 | Ext.HE sett: M/L-tape only specs RU for sett.type 3 |
157580 | Ext. HE sett.: posting incorrect for RA with notice |
205475 | ext.HE stt: basic shares not saved with 4,2 characters |
198788 | Ext. HE sttl.:APs saved in M/L-tape despite marking |
178053 | SCS: BSEG-MWSKZ doesn't exist f.screen SAPMF05A 301 |
379741 | Dump when saving SCS results w/ > 1000 records |
372943 | Update termination when saving settlement results |
360682 | Ext. HE sett.: incorrect calculation of new APs |
215211 | Ext.HE sett: M/L-tape - totals row shows incorr.vls |
189776 | Ext.HE stt: error 64751 not uniquly assignd to 3VZH |
307623 | Ext.HE sett.: vacancies are not written on M/L-tape |
310418 | Ext.HE sett.:not all RUs considered in M/L record |
178557 | Ext.heat.exp.stt/sal.bas.rent stt:tax cd chang.ignord |
180000 | Ext.HE stt.: no consideration settlement types 0,2,3 |
190775 | M/L-tape: display indicator VAT '2' |
331004 | Ext.HE sett: settlemnt of more than one heat.system |
388098 | SCS: not all viak13 recrds savd w/ more thn 1000 data recrds |
199193 | SCS, ext. heating expenses settlmt, M/L tape: Error I 6D308 |
311076 | ext.HE sett. several M-records for one lease-out |
198757 | Ext.HE sett:M/L-tape has specs for RU instead of RA |
352377 | Ext.HE sett.: indicator No tax on sales + purchases |
207652 | Ext.HE sett: termination after appl Support Pckge35 |
159464 | SCS/sls-bsd RA/HEsett.:AP w.ZFBDT aftr end attendnce |
158145 | SCS/sls-bsd RA/HEsett :AP w.ZFBDT bef. partic.start |
309154 | Ext. HE sett: error 62333 for posting of settlement |
360130 | Error for D-tape import: incorrect heating system |
316507 | Ext.HE sett: record end indicator mixed up/AP blank |
374229 | Error 62333 w/posting external heating expenses |
211523 | Ext.HE settl.:dump not enough memory gener.M/L tape |
311819 | Ext.HE sett.: cross-BE SUs for heating systems |
318273 | Ext.HE sett.: BTE not usable for M/L record |
189214 | Ext.HE stt: adv.paymnts considerd f.wrong flow type |
359148 | Ext.HE sett: error 62333 for posting the settlement |
307446 | Ext.HE sett.:termination for creation of M/L-tape |
191266 | SCS: advance paymnt ignored for reference flow type |
208553 | Ext.HE sett.: Customizing fuel types |
402197 | Heating system also for non-heating exp.service charge keys |
337719 | Ext.heat.costs sttlmt:termntn whn creating M/L-tape |
210758 | Ext.HE settl.:settl.partcptn unequal to RA prtcptn |
308346 | Ext. HE sett.: missing indicator in M/L-tape |
302389 | SCS: transfer 'negative' credit balance AP |
359849 | NKA deletes VIAK20 records of previous settlement |
189232 | Ext. HE sttl.: several heating systems |