SAP Transaction FD10 - Customer Account Balance

Related Notes
443627Expiring currencies with drill-down for line items
33913Results of SAPF130K/SAPF130D <> FK10/FD10
54061Balances -> line items -> credit management
156549Released operating systems for SAP kernel 4.6x INFORMIX
85840Released operating systems SAP Kernel 4.0x/4.5x INFORMIX
194842Poor performance when you display line items
107530EMU: balance display and line items
23872SAP Kernel 3.0x/3.1x INFORMIX: Released operating systems
531248TaxRed.Law: Addition to Note 445148
98326Diff.betw.balnce disply and item ttl, ZUONR incorct
86067SAPF190: Differences INDIZES - BALANCES