SAP Transaction FBL5N - Customer Line Items

Related Notes
1002712Line items: Valuation difference with incorrect +/- sign
1171560FBL1N/FBL5N: Custom selections for master data ignored
449627Tax reduction law FI: Line item display (Rel. > 4.5x)
972651Line item: Authorization check for transaction call
432158Line items: Mass change, error message MSITEM006
989397Line items: Performance when using special fields
318028Line item: special field is not displayed
363309Extended withholding tax with line item display
338849Line item: RFPOSXEXTEND termination with error 3
1504612Line items: Offsetting account info (BAdI FI_ITEMS_CH_DATA)
1104971Line Item: DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_CURSOR despite 848163/860897
304413Line item: authorization for header layout
421236Enjoy: Screen variant is missing in FV50/60/70
848163Line items: Runtime error SAPSQL_SQLS_INVALID_CURSOR
772949ENJOY: BADI for alternative branch to vendor master data
332778Line item: special fields not filled in grid
300550Line items: Definition of special fields
430030Line items: mass change error message MSITEM006
419164Line item: incorrect header texts in layout upgrade
194842Poor performance when you display line items
947573RFPOSXEXTEND: Generation terminates with error code '3'
407950Bal.displays FI: Error message FDBL010/shortend fiscal year
208807Line items: Append fields for RFPOSX are missing
365546ALV buffer: you cannot select variants
612446Line item: ALV layouts with upgrade
1267715KVsprint 4.x: Meldepflichtige strittige Posten
860897Line item: Runtime error SAPSQL_SQLS_INVALID_CURSOR
416678Line item: special field BKPF-AWSYS not filled
364802ALV buffer: REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY only displays print popup
626908StSenkG FI: Authorization check on key date for OI lists
984305Line item: Definition of special fields (T021S)
428368RFEPOS00: Syntax error during upgrade to Release 4.6
427950FB03: Various errors in FB03 after importg SP 20-22 in 4.6C
323813FV60/FB60: document created without secondary index
550292Tax reduction law FI: FB03: Logging
152335 Field EBELN in line layout variant for cust./vendor
1423223Turkey: Display Yevmiye Number in line item reports
312149FI: Performance of drill-down balance displays to line items
205096Line items:Special field missing in field list
371146ALV Buffer: incorrect default variant
1425118FAGLL03: Display of offsetting account for archived data
215798FBL*N: Special fields are not displayed
325003Line items: only user-specific variants possible
210666Line item: Authorization for standard layout
407992Exchanges fields missing in Line Layout
310886Line items: Dynamic selections ignored
327139Balance display FI: drilldown perfrmnce for balncs
570921Line item: Dispute Man. and suppl. document change II
446762Compos note tax reduction law FI: Separate authorztn check
889553BR : Withholding tax amount is larger than net amount
1135916Line items: Help for analysis for long runtime
374656Line item: authorization for layout change
112312Line item: Display of offsetting a/c information
359028Line items: Expiring currencies
566430Line item: Dispute Management + extended document change
585178Line item: Dispute managemt and enhanced documt change III
370940Line item: Upgrade of line layout variants