854860 | Problem while posting invoice using transaction FB01. |
1501285 | Tax code check is inconsistent (BAPI, FB01/FB60) |
68003 | Bank Switching incorrect for realised exchange gain |
831089 | FI: AWSYS is set during the parking in FB01 |
100932 | JV Equity adjustment using wrong doc. type for GB01 |
409581 | FB01: No substitution for clearing lines (see Note 173610) |
303467 | FB01: Entry date missing in parked document |
1145030 | F5 580 in second/third local currency in batch input |
602112 | FB01: Incorrect CO account assignment on fixed asset |
158352 | INVOIC01/02: FD892 for EDI inbound processing in FI |
556833 | F5302: BKPF totally locked when parking a document |
551893 | Error 00344 when processing a batch input session |
833303 | FB01, FB60 dump in case of cross-company-code postings |
1267898 | GJCB: Zero transaction amount causes error in NewGL splitter |
96285 | Add Exchange number field on screen variant |
367003 | Intercompany billing INVOIC: 00344 / balance error |
1124458 | Incorrect JV derivation in FI posting for Network Activity. |
960639 | Tax rate is not transferred for FBVB and tax amount 0 |
565186 | Fields relevant for payment in special G/L transactions |
507118 | FB01:amount translation in foreign currency parallel areas |
896778 | FBV0: No posting possible due to error message 00 349 |
849676 | FB05, FB01: Window size is changed |
95316 | Add Exchange number field |
674465 | FB01: park provided if complete only save |
1254760 | J_1HDTAX:Incorrect partial payment transfer incase of NewG/L |
50708 | Probs.with complexes (quantity, ANEP, EAUFN, POSNR) |
1247640 | RFUMSV25: Error F5 078 when batch input session is running |
186160 | MR01: Cash discount, cash discount base, CDC amount |
1123376 | FIPP.POST: Cannot post due to error 00 349 |
310485 | Enjoy transactions in FI and previous posting transactions |
1119897 | RFUMSV25: Partial payment for active document splitting |
197329 | FB50/FB60/FB70: No message from validation |
130477 | JV EDI inbound: Table T8JDX not filled |
306529 | ABN: Posting to a ONE-TIME account |
39487 | Quantity update in EC-PCA |
733609 | Payment-relevant posting key and withholding tax |
574714 | BW extraction 0FI_GL_4 blocks online transactions |
332231 | One-time title |
551462 | FB01: Add. data screen although required entry fields hidden |
109170 | Syntax error SAPLF042, field BSEG-ERLKZ |
112782 | Baseline date for payment field filled incorrectly |
668768 | Line item w/ amount WRBTR = 0 then TXGRP incorrect |
481161 | F5060 for posting with multiline tax |
359165 | FB01: Euro rounding differences in Spain |
107813 | JV Cutback: Exchange rate difference too high |
1135452 | Incorrect functional area after account assignment change |
1416512 | RFVBER00_PARK: Update terminations for parked documents |
925287 | DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION with manual tax in the vendor |
41388 | Functional area is overwritten by substitution |
1513596 | RFUMSV25: FB01 transfer posting w/ active document splitting |
1377736 | FB01-Transfer posting for deferred tax w/ document splitting |
861503 | VF48: Incorrect documents are displayed |
772083 | FI/classic document entry: To continue Note 721687 |
67464 | Business Area may not be filled for RXD or COAC |
578002 | F5060 due to second/third local currency |
597435 | Note 589301: FI documents w/o determine taxes line-by-line |
879850 | Error in Transaction FB01 in fixed asset |
1521027 | Digital Invoice Runtime Error Open_Dataset_No_Authority |
1483296 | FF 796 when entering tax for the vendor and tax is zero |
673641 | RFBIBL00: Message 00 344 for screen SAPLFWTD0100 (IV) |
923883 | Distributing tax of one currency unit to conditions |
981597 | FF 704 'Tax code & in procedure & is invalid' |
184987 | dflt acct assgnmt prof sgmt does not work w/ rqrd entry fld |
110511 | Deadlocks on FI-SL summary table |
1287951 | RFUMSV50: Exchange rate and wrong tax base |
305794 | FB01: Exit workflow mode with "Cancel" |
1369338 | RFUMSV25: Different document type for clearing documents |
391448 | Create acc. doc. w/ BTCI: no exchange no. field |
453633 | FB60: Local time instead of CPU time in parked document |
1138229 | BAPI, IDOC: TXGRP incorrect in BSEG tax items |
1469580 | RFUMSV50: New GL(splitting) support for FB01 |
108498 | Alternative amount not transferred |
1051856 | FB01, Batch Input: Msg 003 44 but req. entry field is filled |
1362108 | Balance error F5 580 in 2nd/3rd local curcy in batch input |
47439 | Account assignment: inc.derivation due to '0' |
632612 | F5061 due to balance in first local currency |
826864 | (FI)Manual change of planning date ignored |
743604 | COIN: Useless new derivtn of charac. of profitability segmnt |
1470488 | J_3rfum26: New GL support (splitting) in FB01 |
96227 | Problems with dialog boxes for exiting or deleting |
1033904 | FF 704 'Tax code & in procedure & is invalid' in 46C release |
103215 | Document parking sets status CSPS for WBS element |
1259205 | FI: Document number gaps in FI documents due to error msgs |
973603 | Retirement reversal of asset document only: Error F5702 |
634835 | FB01: Dump w/ F1807: Error when inserting table BSET |
1162771 | FB02: No checks when changing tax reporting date |
1341817 | RFUMSV25: Partial payment w/ partially deductible income tax |
374632 | FB01: company code clearing items despite balance 0 |
138806 | Asterisk(*) not working for balancing journal entry |
91356 | Data object TCURF has no component ABWCT |
1611321 | BSEG-TXGRP remains initial in tax line items |
331946 | Composite note: Why and how to post |
1045412 | GL transaction <> RFBU in postings with AWTYP 'BKPFF' |
1262875 | General ledger simulation: Missing plus/minus sign |
575644 | G/l account not in EXIT_SAPLFYTX_USER_001 with FB60 |
503778 | Local time instead of CPU time in completely park. document |
815629 | Incorrect period when posting to different ledgers |
403488 | No exclusion of users in bar code Customizing |
400127 | Balance takeover for FI-AA if FI-LC is active |