SAP Transaction EWUO - Transaction data for EMU conversion

Related Notes
122053List sales documents: Selection by sales org.
125004SD docs:Changing all EMU participating currencies
139747Report SDEWUORD selects billed documents
142486Change currency of partially billed sales documents
448665SD: Euro changeover in batch run does not convert anything
378395Error V2095 during mass change of document currency
128663Requirement for currency change w. report SDEWUORD
398883SD: Euro changeover returns error V2096
121790Collective change of currency of open sales docs
480608SD: Order - Error with processing via function modules
480831SD: Order - wrong message for non-ferrous error (using V45A)
399772Exclusion with selection options does not work
127169Report collect. chge of currency in open sales docs
1114424Local currency changeover: Currency conversion of sales docs