SAP Transaction EA15 - Reversal of Invoicing Documents

Related Notes
654438Manufacturing of original invoicing units
322346INV: Activate sequence check for invoicing reversal
301747Short dump when reversing a collective bill
174239Error E9033 generated in Transaction EA14, EA15
309205Data inconsistency with invoicing reversal
186960No logs w. term. of invoicing transactions
190806Addition: Revs. print document, short dump w. E9898
177986Performance problems during reversal
663248Reversal: Partial return with BB amount clearing
156349Invoic.reversal:EM 09033 when accessing table TE305
187284Reverse print document: Short dump with error E9898
311643FPF3: Message >0070 output without text
185580Incorrect document selection with mass reversal
165080Error >4012 for billing document cancellation
301684Hide paramater "Keep budget billing plan' with BBP
177568Error in reversal of partial bills
153044Bill reversal despite active instalment plan
188098Error messages EB071, EB130 in invoicing reversal
195390Problem after clearing reset for invoicing document
145595BB problems, change amount and delete with reversal
147773Print doc. reversal: FIKEY and print date incorrect
168167Data inconsistency for bill reversal
935476REV: Reversal termination with error message TU 226
211913Invoicing creates only header doc. w/o line items
214368Consistency checks with bill creation and reversal