SAP Transaction EA00 - Test Billing of a Contract

Related Notes
208771SD documents in invoicing simulation
174478Missing line items relevant to posting
309534EASISI: E9014 'Error in reading in table EITR'
152036Parallel demands not taken into account
173557Addition instead of averaging during backbilling
167679Variant DEMAND18: Incorrect calculation of peak av.
164562Variant QUANTI16 with customer change
301807Error in calling up user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_001
197405Contract information missing in mass billing log
151547Consumption not totalled by INFACT06
164444Variant BACKBI05 updates by addition
338361Decimal overflow with average prices above 10,000
210009Decimal places with calculated average price
169832Demand processing: Error message E9890
149486Register information in consumption info. lines
302888Termination of gas billing with error message AH574
217096Press. level/gas date info. not in bill. line items
173302Fill date1 and date2 in billing line items
169450Filling portion and MR unit during simulation
146243Register information in demand information lines
162354Termination of billing with SQL error
161460Suppression of unnecessary messages
171468Wrong no. of prev. period values in var. QUANTI17
336537Scale price billed incorrectly for REFVAL01
147624Performance problems with mass runs
181573Error in seasonal-dependent period-end billing
208484Variant QUANTI08 calculates incorrectly w.proration
148162DEMAND18: Display of original period
162640Error in calculation of 1-peak demand average
210940Billing after device modification (Part II)
168963Adjustment to day to billing period for move-in/out
203482Ignore estimated meter reading results
200597Rounding off price summary of time-dependent prices
198309Error when clearing rounding errors
179762Missing information lines with services
165082Missing entries in fields TCNUMTOR & TCDENOMTOR
169147Updating average prices to installation facts
301602Field time portion incorrect with backbilling
157539Variant BACKBI02:Short dump on account of proration
212251Starting workflows for outsorted billings
202159Short dump in billing with update ERCHU
147797Suppression of messages not required
208515Operands of category demand with historical values
199773Error in schema execution
206506Leapday:Time portion determ.considered incorrectly
306640Line item grouping in backbilling with discounts
175650Error E9015, short dump in ISU_DB_ERCHU_UPDATE_BILL
200736Update error when proration occurs in BACKBI02
206771Convert meter readings to consumption w. gas meters
207395Installation facts are not taken into account
203601Error in schema execution after Note 191371
185865Error with absolute surcharges if consumption zero
308505Franchise contract not filled by variant LUMSUM02
179062Rounding problems with weighting procedure
203723Meter reading with change to installation structure
311509Field time portion in variant IF01 set incorrectly
175687Log processing in extrapolation
189606Tax difference with backbilling
167375Termination of billing with error AH680
304598Additional check with invoicing simulation
200634Fld statistical rate type filled incorrectly in doc
164475Termination with error EQ006 in billing
158186Missing time slices in backbilling
313117Inconsistent billing documents after AOP026 (1.2)
213794Price summary and indicator negative +/- sign
165349Termination of billing with INSERT error in ERCHO
168105Error messages AH371, AJ001 & AJ027 in mass billing
303353Extrapolation with base period category 'X'
156015Device replacement balancing <-> cumulating in EG60
174961Period-end billing:Incorrect grouping of line items
165779Termination of billing with error AH690
206904Entry with change to installation structure
166677Status update for billing data record
153288Outsorted documents in EASIBI and EC60
190525Performance improvement price block adjustment II
174809Incorrect price blocks for scale prices
169607Billing data record status update
163009Allocation of MR results to billing order
166789From-date greater than to-date in demand billing
167037Proration at start or end of billing period
167656Termination of billing with error AH685
302156Error in conversion of time-dependent sizes
210753No billing when meter reading results blocked
167034Termination with meter reading proration
164336Terminations in rental price variants
149822Enhancement: Update of user-defined tables
169580Termination in variant SETTLE01 with error E9890
460456FF group is not found in case of mass billing
202858Periodic replacement within migration
166321Termination of billing with error AH714
167090Period-end billing:Incorrect grouping of line items
162785Incorrect assignment of billing orders to contract
201456Error:Derivation of CO a/c assgts f. non-cost elems
166222Rounding problems with MR results for BB period
300950Operand values not copied
174722Big check for move-in
166009Gas date for multiple meter reading order creation
304200Serial switching with 2 meter readings per day
188833Best-rate billing and rate change
199522Performance measures for proration