204415 | CBO: Completed analysis with status 'STARTED' |
104215 | DB13-DB24: CPIC communication error |
427716 | Corrections in transactions DB24 and DB26 (Oracle) |
321227 | CBO: Unique constraint violated on DBATL |
216850 | CBO: Incorrect output when more than 200 table spaces |
762874 | Corrections in DB transactions for Oracle (1) |
204413 | CBO: Analysis ends with return code 9999 |
336421 | XDB: ORA-1747 when updating on DBAML (II) |
113747 | Owners and authorizations for BR*Tools |
184513 | CBO: Parallel generation of optimizer statistics |
139945 | SAP Database Monitor for MS SQL Server |
948066 | Performance Analysis: Transactions to use |