496066 | CS20: No BOMs available for BOM group & |
480262 | CS05: Matl substitution with AENNR - no STAS deletion record |
422572 | CS20 w/o date does not change non-var. part in all alternat. |
88709 | Bills of material: batch input error with CS05 |
184542 | Update terminatn for bill of material/item deleted |
370860 | CS02: Long runtime for check on class recursiveness |
128934 | Error in BOM group maintenance |
460151 | Performance low-level code assignment: Expansion classes |
324740 | Error low-level code assgnmt for follow-up material |
158012 | CS20: Error when changing multiple/variant BOMs |
178785 | Creating class item ->no BI data screen 706 |
448512 | Class recursiveness - Positioning not possible |
415431 | Update termination A29376 Class & & does not exist |
493096 | CS20: No batch input data for screen SAPLCSDI 0825 |
82564 | Incorrect assignment of low-level code for class item |
116148 | Error in BOM group maintenance |
324980 | Modif.: low-level code do not adjust co-products |
215642 | CS20 (Note180686):Translation SAPMC29M0600->TL621 |
484640 | Update termination 29281: Maximum low-level code 999 reached |
672577 | Initializing STPO-REKRI |