SAP Transaction CRTD - Payment Card: Create Example File

Related Notes
841302The message number is not saved in the order header
168401Status incorrect in operation after 'Do not execute'
1158497MAM:Tech. Object replication not triggered for Notif. create
175688No automatic actions after reading master data
147916Assmbly order: inconsistncies after confign changes
170948Status inconsistency in work breakdown structure
386676WBS element (CRTD) can be assigned to network header (REL)
313230Operation release possible although WBS created
167170Prod. order release possible although WBS created
116002IW32: Dump in refurbishment order w.maint.task list
209945Deletion of component despite WM material staging
563333Repairing activities with missing statuses
676083Network Activity Elements Unable to be Released
214352APO->R/3: Order status changes to Created
66510Create order: locking the order header
484067Create network,template standard network:release immediately
705324Status fields/status InfoObjects
452306Operations released after reading master data
598757Incorrect inspection lots due to serial numbers
169666Problem w. release of production orders
547881Order release: Inspection lots without technical object
113815Automatic generation of settlement rules
440186FAQ 2: Validation and substitution in the project
983612SAP Project System Integration with SAP xRPM 4.0
1351411SAP Project System Integration with Portf and Proj Mgmt 5.0