SAP Transaction CRM_UI - Start CRM WebClient

Related Notes
1591988Open Action Log for Transport ID doesn't works
1602258Create RfC - no values in project input help
1605334Double-click in the TR request and TR Log fails
1585100CRM WebClient UI: missing data in the "Spreadsheet"
1572006ST710 WebClient UI: Unable to save Problem search
1565863Charm: Enable Actions button for Request for Change Template
1585637CRM UI: Transaction History AB error for SMPR
1607207CRM WebClient UI: Wrong config for copied transaction types
1585324CUV_SM: Change Manager BP copy to all Change Managers
1588186CRM WebClient UI: Values in the BP fields cannot be saved
1586185Project Selection fails for some Transaction Types
1641712Different transaction types with same UI configuration