SAP Transaction CN53 - Overview: Milestones

Related Notes
90534LDB PSJ: performance during confirmed activities
42909Project Information System: not confirmed=>no delay
43411LDB PSJ: No data selection (SD documents)
49296LDB PSJ: Authorization for networks and orders
44799LDB PSJ: Error in hierarchy structure
43648Project Info System: negative user filters
44976LDB PSJ: Sorting top WBS elements
46818Project Information System: (numeric) user filter
70984LDB PSJ: Activities and status selection profile
66561Project Info System: XXL: Missing field contents
50325LDB PSJ: Authorization for networks and orders II
43559Project Information System: Error in status filters
64657Project information system: User filter for costs
43010PIS: several user filters
49393LDB PSJ: Project view summarization
79737CJ45, CJ8G: Missing networks
327606Go to the detail screen milestone for WBS element
43762LDB PSJ: WBS hierarchy for alternative views
80603PSJ: Missng/too many obj.when usng stat.sel.profile
45016Versions in PS: Missing WBS elements
41750LDB PSJ: Reservations, components
204591PS Info system: Regeneration of the field strings
133303Project Info System: Grouping criteria in Customizing
39126LDB PSJ: Collective note (only for Release 3.0C)
144572Project Information System: Error in new fields
45578LDB PSJ/Project Info System: Collective note (3.0D)
326591PS: Structure overview, individual overviews in 4.6
700875FAQ 2: Structure Overview / Individual Overviews
49293Wildcards during data selection
61217PS Info System: Selection with free delimitations
131437CN70:Info syst.structure/dates in batch processing
43493Project information system: New fields in structures