Transaction | Text |
CRM_CONDTYPE_ACB_AP | Condition Types ACB AP |
CRM_CONDTYPE_CRM_AP | Condition Types CRM AP |
CRM_COND_MAINT_ACB | Condition Maintenance ACB |
CRM_CREI_CUST | Customizing Entitlement Integration |
CRM_CSDR_OUTBND_PRJ | Send outbound Projects |
CRM_CSDR_OUTBND_REJ | Send outbound Design Registrations |
CRM_CTLIST_ACB_AP | Procedure Action Profile Det.Billing |
CRM_CTLIST_CRM_AP | Procedure Action Profile Det. Order |
CRM_DAM_MT | No. Range Maintenance: CRM_DAM_MT |
CRM_DNO_MONITOR | Transaction Monitor |
CRM_DWP | Resource Planning Tool |
CRM_DWP_LRP_IMG | Call of WFM Core IMG Structure |
CRM_EMAIL_OUTLOOK | Generate URL for Outlook Integration |
CRM_ERMS_LOGGING | Check Automatic Processing Details |
CRM_ERMS_MAILFORMS | Maintain E-Mail Forms for ERMS |
CRM_ERMS_MAILTEMPL | E-Mail Templates for ERMS |
CRM_ERMS_OUTG_EMAIL | Define Outgoing E-Mail Addresses |
CRM_ERMS_SHM_MANAGER | Shared Memory Manager |
CRM_ERMS_WF_CUST | Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling |
CRM_ES_SGEN | Structure generation for search |
CRM_ES_WB | CRM ES Modeling Workbench |
CRM_EVER | Number Range Maintenance: CRM_EVER |
CRM_FDT_TRANS | Rule Builder Transport Rules |
CRM_FICA_IMG | FI-CA Customizing for IC WebClient |
CRM_FIELD_CAT_ACB | Field Cat. Action Cntrl CRM Billing |
CRM_FIMAN_CALC | Installment Calc. for Document Items |
CRM_FMOD_COMP | CRM-ERP Field Modif. Comparison |
CRM_FM_ACL_JOB_NR | Number range maintenance: FM_ACL_JOB |
CRM_FS_ASSET | Asset Handling and Depreciation |
CRM_FS_CALC | Calculation of Cash Flow |
CRM_FS_FRA | Floating Rate Adjustment |
CRM_FS_INTADJ | Interest Rate Adj. of Leasing Docs |
CRM_FS_INTADJ_DISP | Disp. Eval. for Interest Rate Adj. |
CRM_FS_TQ_MASS_RUN | Mass Run for Termination Quotation |
CRM_GENERATE | Generate CRM Services |
CRM_GENIL_WSC | Web Service Consumption Tool |
CRM_GET_ETC_OBJ | Technical Read of CRM Order |
CRM_GET_ETC_PROD | Technical Read of CRM Product |
CRM_GPM_ARC_RT | Maintain Grantor Prog residency time |
CRM_IC2003 | IC WebClient |
CRM_ICI_TRACE | ICI Trace Display and Comparison |
CRM_ICM_001 | Call IMG for ICM engine |
CRM_ICM_002 | Call application menu for ICM engine |
CRM_ICM_004 | Call data dictionary for ICM engine |
CRM_ICM_005 | Transfer of CRM Documents to ICM |
CRM_ICM_006 | CRM Incentives - view admin log |
CRM_ICM_007 | Maintain fields for customer enhance |
CRM_ICM_008 | Maintain fields for customer enhance |
CRM_ICM_009 | Maintain fields for customer enhance |
CRM_ICM_010 | Maintain fields for customer enhance |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_001 | Call IMG for ICM engine |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_002 | Generate BW-ICM Transfer Appl |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_003 | Extract BW Data to Commission Syste |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_004 | Generate ICM Interface |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_005 | Generate Query Result Structure |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_006 | Generate Field Offering |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_007 | Upload BW - ICM Field Mapping |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_008 | Number range maintenance: ICM_BUSOBJ |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_009 | List Comm Case Ids for Txf Appl |
CRM_ICM_BWIF_010 | Display Generation Log |
CRM_IC_CMP | IC WebClient Components |
CRM_IC_EIC_ALE | Create Employee in Parallel to ALE |
CRM_IC_FW_PROF | Define CMS Role Profiles |
CRM_IC_IMG | Call IC WebClient IMG (SAP Internal) |
CRM_IC_INDEX_LOAD | Load BT Data for Accelerated Search |
CRM_IIA_IS01 | SDB Change transaction |
CRM_INIT_APPLSET_REL | Application Set: Assignment Tables |
CRM_IP | Incentive Program |
CRM_IPM_ACD_ACC_SEQ | Maintain Access Seq. Acct Determintn |
CRM_IPM_ACD_COND_ASS | Maintain Assignmt Account Det. Type |
CRM_IPM_ACD_COND_MNT | Assign Symbolic Account Key |
CRM_IPM_ACD_COND_TYP | Maintain Account Determination Types |
CRM_IPM_ACD_CT | Maintain Condition Tables Acct Det. |
CRM_IPM_ACD_FC | Maintain Field Catalog Acct Det. |
CRM_IPM_BEA_BADI_MNT | Maintain Business Add-Ins |
CRM_IPM_BEA_BTY | Maintain billing types |
CRM_IPM_BEA_BTY_ARCH | Maintain Resid. Times for Bill Docs |
CRM_IPM_BEA_CONFIG | Configuration of Billing |
CRM_IPM_BEA_CRP | IPM: Display Collective Runs |
CRM_IPM_BEA_ICX_MNT | Maintain Advanced Item Category Det |
CRM_IPM_BEA_ITC | Maintain item categories |
CRM_IPM_BEA_ITC_DET | Determine Item Category |
CRM_IPM_BEFN | BEF Navigator - License Settlement |
CRM_IPM_D_USAGE_DATA | Enter Usage Confirmation Data |
CRM_IPM_GRP_EXECUTE | Generate Release Dates for IP |
CRM_IPM_GRP_MAINTAIN | Maintain Generation Profile |
CRM_ISA_EX_PROD | exchange products |
CRM_ISM_IC_LOC_OUT | IS-M: IC Locator Output Definition |
CRM_IST_BRF_INIT | Initialize BRF in New Client |
CRM_IST_IMG | Show Telecommunications IMG branch |
CRM_IST_LOCK_MSG | IST: Edit Error Table |
CRM_IST_LOCK_PROCESS | IST: Edit Error Table |
CRM_ISUPRO | Number Range Maintenance: CRM_ISUPRO |