Transaction | Text |
WTAD_APPL_LOG | Application Log for Additionals |
WTAD_ARCHR | Read Archived Additionals |
WTAD_FMCU_CHANGE | Proc. for Add./Customer Maintenance |
WTAD_FMCU_DISP | Display Proc. for Additionals/Cust. |
WTAD_IDOC_AL | Analysis of Procedure for Additional |
WTAD_SARA | Archive Additionals Documents |
WTAD_SRS | Obsolete - do not use |
WTAD_STWB | Obsolete - do not use |
WTAD_SUP_FM_CHANGE | Maintain Proc. for Adds./Vendors |
WTAD_SUP_FM_DISP | Display Proc. for Adds./Vendors |
WTAD_VKHM_DISPLAY | Display Materials/Additionals |
WTAD_VKHM_MAINTAIN | Mass Maintenance Materials/Adds. |
WTAM | Additionals Monitor |
WTAOC | Generate POs for Additionals |
WTCA | Change Analysis for Additionals |
WTEW | Trading Execution Workbench |
WTEW_CATT | Trading Execution Workbench for CATT |
WTMG | Conversion of Withholding Tax Data |
WTNR | w/tax certificate number range |
WTOG | define output group |
WTR1 | Request for Additionals IDoc |
WTR2 | Request Additionals IDoc for Promo |
WTRA1 | Maintain Runtime Customizing Table |
WTRA2 | Runtime Measurement: Delete Logs |
WTRA3 | Runtime Measurement: Display Logs |
WTSTD | well test standardization from MII |
WTY | Warranty Claim |
WTYAP | Action profile maintenance |
WTYAUT | Authorization |
WTYCL | Create Credit Memo Lists |
WTYDBSHOW | Warranty Claim: Table Display |
WTYMP | Mass Change Warranty Claim |
WTYMP_A | Mass Change Warranty Claim Admin. |
WTYNK | Number Range Warranty Claim |
WTYOQ | Worklist Warranty |
WTYOR | Execute Report |
WTYRCL | Maintain Recall |
WTYRP | Warranty: Part to Be Returned |
WTYSC_WWB | Warranty workbench |
WTYSE | Search Claim |
WTY_ARCHIV | Display Archived Warranty Claim |
WTY_SARA | Archive Warranty Claim |
WTY_UPROF | Assign User Profiles (Warranty) |
WTY_VSR_ACTIVE | Activate Validation / Substitution |
WUFWUF | Customizing Transformation Workbench |
WUI | Start the WebClient UI |
WUI_DBG | Start the WebClient UI (Debug mode) |
WUI_SSO | Start the WebClient UI |
WUI_SSO_DBG | Start WebClient UI (SSO & Dbg Mode) |
WUSL | Where-Used List |
WUSLTABL | Table Display |
WV31 | Create PhysDocs (Unrstrctd-Use Stck) |
WVA1 | Create planned mark-up |
WVA2 | Change planned mark-up |
WVA3 | Display planned mark-up |
WVA5 | Create planned markup (price list) |
WVA6 | Change planned markup (price list) |
WVA7 | Display planned markup (price list) |
WVAL | Send Value Scale |
WVB0 | Recompile doc. index (pricing docs) |
WVEB | Valuation SAP Retail |
WVER | Shipping for SAP Retail |
WVFB | Inbound store order processing |
WVFD | Process phys. inventory doc. further |
WVFI | Simulation: Store Physical Inventory |
WVKF | Sales Order (extended copy) |
WVM0 | Replenishment |
WVM1 | Execute customer replenishment |
WVM2 | Transfer stock/sales figures |
WVM3 | Display material data transferred |
WVM4 | Display PROACT data received |
WVM6 | Customer replen.: Parameter overview |
WVM7 | Assignment of PO Data to Vendor |
WVN0 | Generate pricing worklist |
WVN1 | Pricing worklist for material |
WVN2 | Pricing worklist for organization |
WVTU | Sales Support for SAP Retail |
WW10 | IAC product catalog |
WW20 | IAC Online Store |
WW30 | SD part for IAC MM-SD link |
WW31 | IAC Product Catalog for EBP |
WWCD | Product catalog:Display change docs. |
WWFL | Agency Business:Workflow Workbench |
WWG1 | Main Material Group Hierarchy Menu |
WWG2 | Main Material Group Menu |
WWM1 | Create product catalog |
WWM2 | Change product catalog |
WWM3 | Display product catalog |
WWM4 | Copy product catalog |
WWM5 | Delete product catalog |
WWMI | Product catalog area menu |
WWN1 | Create cond.table Subs.Sett-SettlRun |
WWN2 | Chng Cond Table. Subs.Settl-SettlRun |
WWN3 | Displ.Cond.Table Subs.Settl.-SettRun |
WWN4 | Mssg Access Seq. Subs.Sett. SettlRun |
WWN6 | Message Schema (Sub.Settl. -SettRun) |
WWN9 | Mssg Procc.Progr. Subs.Settl.SettRun |
WWNA | Subs.Settl. -SettRun: Create Cond.S. |
WWNB | Subs. Settl.-Sett.Run: ChangeCond.S. |
WWNC | Subs. Settl. SettRun: DisplayCond.S. |