SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
WTAD_APPL_LOG Application Log for Additionals
WTAD_ARCHR Read Archived Additionals
WTAD_FMCU_CHANGE Proc. for Add./Customer Maintenance
WTAD_FMCU_DISP Display Proc. for Additionals/Cust.
WTAD_IDOC_AL Analysis of Procedure for Additional
WTAD_SARA Archive Additionals Documents
WTAD_SRS Obsolete - do not use
WTAD_STWB Obsolete - do not use
WTAD_SUP_FM_CHANGE Maintain Proc. for Adds./Vendors
WTAD_SUP_FM_DISP Display Proc. for Adds./Vendors
WTAD_VKHM_DISPLAY Display Materials/Additionals
WTAD_VKHM_MAINTAIN Mass Maintenance Materials/Adds.
WTAM Additionals Monitor
WTAOC Generate POs for Additionals
WTCA Change Analysis for Additionals
WTEW Trading Execution Workbench
WTEW_CATT Trading Execution Workbench for CATT
WTMG Conversion of Withholding Tax Data
WTNR w/tax certificate number range
WTOG define output group
WTR1 Request for Additionals IDoc
WTR2 Request Additionals IDoc for Promo
WTRA1 Maintain Runtime Customizing Table
WTRA2 Runtime Measurement: Delete Logs
WTRA3 Runtime Measurement: Display Logs
WTSTD well test standardization from MII
WTY Warranty Claim
WTYAP Action profile maintenance
WTYAUT Authorization
WTYCL Create Credit Memo Lists
WTYDBSHOW Warranty Claim: Table Display
WTYMP Mass Change Warranty Claim
WTYMP_A Mass Change Warranty Claim Admin.
WTYNK Number Range Warranty Claim
WTYOQ Worklist Warranty
WTYOR Execute Report
WTYRCL Maintain Recall
WTYRP Warranty: Part to Be Returned
WTYSC_WWB Warranty workbench
WTYSE Search Claim
WTY_ARCHIV Display Archived Warranty Claim
WTY_SARA Archive Warranty Claim
WTY_UPROF Assign User Profiles (Warranty)
WTY_VSR_ACTIVE Activate Validation / Substitution
WUFWUF Customizing Transformation Workbench
WUI Start the WebClient UI
WUI_DBG Start the WebClient UI (Debug mode)
WUI_SSO Start the WebClient UI
WUI_SSO_DBG Start WebClient UI (SSO & Dbg Mode)
WUSL Where-Used List
WUSLTABL Table Display
WV31 Create PhysDocs (Unrstrctd-Use Stck)
WVA1 Create planned mark-up
WVA2 Change planned mark-up
WVA3 Display planned mark-up
WVA5 Create planned markup (price list)
WVA6 Change planned markup (price list)
WVA7 Display planned markup (price list)
WVAL Send Value Scale
WVB0 Recompile doc. index (pricing docs)
WVEB Valuation SAP Retail
WVER Shipping for SAP Retail
WVFB Inbound store order processing
WVFD Process phys. inventory doc. further
WVFI Simulation: Store Physical Inventory
WVKF Sales Order (extended copy)
WVM0 Replenishment
WVM1 Execute customer replenishment
WVM2 Transfer stock/sales figures
WVM3 Display material data transferred
WVM4 Display PROACT data received
WVM6 Customer replen.: Parameter overview
WVM7 Assignment of PO Data to Vendor
WVN0 Generate pricing worklist
WVN1 Pricing worklist for material
WVN2 Pricing worklist for organization
WVTU Sales Support for SAP Retail
WW10 IAC product catalog
WW20 IAC Online Store
WW30 SD part for IAC MM-SD link
WW31 IAC Product Catalog for EBP
WWCD Product catalog:Display change docs.
WWFL Agency Business:Workflow Workbench
WWG1 Main Material Group Hierarchy Menu
WWG2 Main Material Group Menu
WWM1 Create product catalog
WWM2 Change product catalog
WWM3 Display product catalog
WWM4 Copy product catalog
WWM5 Delete product catalog
WWMI Product catalog area menu
WWN1 Create cond.table Subs.Sett-SettlRun
WWN2 Chng Cond Table. Subs.Settl-SettlRun
WWN3 Displ.Cond.Table Subs.Settl.-SettRun
WWN4 Mssg Access Seq. Subs.Sett. SettlRun
WWN6 Message Schema (Sub.Settl. -SettRun)
WWN9 Mssg Procc.Progr. Subs.Settl.SettRun
WWNA Subs.Settl. -SettRun: Create Cond.S.
WWNB Subs. Settl.-Sett.Run: ChangeCond.S.
WWNC Subs. Settl. SettRun: DisplayCond.S.
Lines 91001 to 91100 of 91333 entries
1 909 910 911 912 913 914