SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
WSM9A Delete Change Docs WLK1 and ASMODULE
WSMIGRATE Web Service Migration
WSMP merchandise planning menu - first so
WSN1 Number range main.: WSORT
WSN2 Number range maintenance: WSORTIMENT
WSO1 IS-R Listing Create Module
WSO2 Assortments IS-R, maintain module
WSO3 Assortments IS-R, display module
WSO4 Assortments IS-R, delete module
WSO5 Astmts IS-R, maint. module-> store
WSO7 IS-R Astmts, Display module-> store
WSOA1 Create assortments
WSOA2 Change assortments
WSOA3 Display assortments
WSOA4 Delete assortment
WSOA5 Assign assortment to customer
WSOA6 Assortment Maintenance Tool
WSOA7 Mass Maintenance of Table WRS6
WSOD Create assortment class
WSOE Assign material groups
WSOF Change assortment class
WSOG Display assortment class
WSOH Assortment to class assignment
WSOI Class to assortment assignment
WSOJ Assortment class -> assortment class
WSOK Display assortment for class
WSOL Display class for assortment
WSOM Display assort. class/assort. class
WSOSDISPLAY Display Possible Sources of Supply
WSP3 Delete individual listing
WSP4 Create indiv. listing, mat. - plant
WSP5 Change ind. listing, mat. - plant
WSP6 Delete ind. listing, mat. - plant
WSP7 Mat. grp mat. listing in plant
WSPARAM Enterprise Registry Parameters(New)
WSPK Complete missing mat. segments log
WSPL Missing material master segments
WSPO_ENTRY SAP Retail Store PO Entry Point
WSPT_MONI Monitoring Tool for Webservice PT
WSPT_STORE_PASS WebService PT - Manage users/Passwds
WSPUBLISH Publish Web services
WSR1 Archiving worklist for assortments
WSR2 Deletion assortment and listing
WSR3 Reset assortment and listing
WSR4 Archiving Assortments
WSRESTRICT Restrictions of services publication
WSRS_HI_MENU Mobile Menu
WSRS_MGR1_LPD_CUST Customizing for Report Launchpad
WSRS_PLANT_COSTC Mainten. of Cost Centers for Plants
WSS1 General settings for Assortments
WSSPROFILE Edit Web Services Security Profile
WSSS Set Stock Situation
WSSW SAP Retail Store: Display Plant
WSTA SAP Retail Store: Orders
WSTASKCHECK Get/Check WS Configurations
WSTA_R_DLV_DISP Store Workbench: Display Store Order
WSTA_R_PDC_DATA MRP Data - Outbound
WSTA_R_PDC_STRUCT Structural Data - Outbound
WSTE SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt
WSTED SAP Retail Store: Display open GR
WSTE_NEW SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt
WSTE_R_PDC_CUSTOMIZ Customizing Data - Download
WSTE_R_PDC_DOCUMENT Reference Document - Download
WSTE_R_PDC_GR SRS: Auto Posting GR from PDC
WSTI SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventory
WSTI_DOC Retail Store Inv.: Doc. Creation
WSTI_MLT_HI_WO Mobile ad hoc Physical Inventory
WSTI_MLT_HI_WREF Mobile Planned Physical Inventory
WSTI_MON Retail Store Inventory: PDC Monitor
WSTI_R_PDC_PI PDC Transactions Reorg. in Phys. Inv
WSTI_R_PI_CALC Calc. Book Inventory for Count Time
WSTI_R_PI_LOG Application Log: Display Logs
WSTI_R_PI_POS POS Transactions PI Reorganization
WSTI_R_PI_SHOW List of Calc. of Book Inventory
WSTL SAP Retail Store Labeling
WSTN11 Maintain prepack allocation planning
WSTN13 Display prepack allocation planning
WSTN14 Process prepack allocation manually
WSTN15 Delete Alloc. Table (PP Alloc Plan)
WSTP Retail Store Sales Prices
WSTSA SAP Retail Store: Assortment List
WSTU SAP Retail Store: Revaluation
WSTV SAP Retail Store: Goods Movements
WSTV_R_PDC_CUST Business Transaction - Download
WSTV_R_PDC_DATA Vendors and Stores - Download
WSTV_R_PDC_MATDATA Article Data - Download
WSUBST_CONTAB Edit Substitution Assignments
WSUBST_SWITCH_REORG Reorganization of Switchover Info
WSUBST_WORKLIST Edit Substitution Worklist
WSUP Space Management Using Plan Data
WSUP1 No. of Duplicate Listing Conditions
WSUP2 WSOF Migration Tool
WSV1 SD listing/exclusion per order type
WSV2 Create value contract module
WSVD_ENTRY SRS Vendor Master: Entry
WSVD_SAPGUI Maintenance Auth. for Local Vendors
WSVD_VNDR_WLIST Worklist for Local Vendors
WTAD Additionals
WTAD_ADDI_AL Analysis of Procedure for Additional
Lines 90901 to 91000 of 91333 entries
1 908 909 910 911 912 914