Transaction | Text |
WSM9A | Delete Change Docs WLK1 and ASMODULE |
WSMIGRATE | Web Service Migration |
WSMP | merchandise planning menu - first so |
WSN1 | Number range main.: WSORT |
WSN2 | Number range maintenance: WSORTIMENT |
WSO1 | IS-R Listing Create Module |
WSO2 | Assortments IS-R, maintain module |
WSO3 | Assortments IS-R, display module |
WSO4 | Assortments IS-R, delete module |
WSO5 | Astmts IS-R, maint. module-> store |
WSO7 | IS-R Astmts, Display module-> store |
WSOA1 | Create assortments |
WSOA2 | Change assortments |
WSOA3 | Display assortments |
WSOA4 | Delete assortment |
WSOA5 | Assign assortment to customer |
WSOA6 | Assortment Maintenance Tool |
WSOA7 | Mass Maintenance of Table WRS6 |
WSOD | Create assortment class |
WSOE | Assign material groups |
WSOF | Change assortment class |
WSOG | Display assortment class |
WSOH | Assortment to class assignment |
WSOI | Class to assortment assignment |
WSOJ | Assortment class -> assortment class |
WSOK | Display assortment for class |
WSOL | Display class for assortment |
WSOM | Display assort. class/assort. class |
WSOSDISPLAY | Display Possible Sources of Supply |
WSP3 | Delete individual listing |
WSP4 | Create indiv. listing, mat. - plant |
WSP5 | Change ind. listing, mat. - plant |
WSP6 | Delete ind. listing, mat. - plant |
WSP7 | Mat. grp mat. listing in plant |
WSPARAM | Enterprise Registry Parameters(New) |
WSPK | Complete missing mat. segments log |
WSPL | Missing material master segments |
WSPO_ENTRY | SAP Retail Store PO Entry Point |
WSPT_MONI | Monitoring Tool for Webservice PT |
WSPT_STORE_PASS | WebService PT - Manage users/Passwds |
WSPUBLISH | Publish Web services |
WSR1 | Archiving worklist for assortments |
WSR2 | Deletion assortment and listing |
WSR3 | Reset assortment and listing |
WSR4 | Archiving Assortments |
WSRESTRICT | Restrictions of services publication |
WSRS_HI_MENU | Mobile Menu |
WSRS_MGR1_LPD_CUST | Customizing for Report Launchpad |
WSRS_PLANT_COSTC | Mainten. of Cost Centers for Plants |
WSS1 | General settings for Assortments |
WSSPROFILE | Edit Web Services Security Profile |
WSSS | Set Stock Situation |
WSSW | SAP Retail Store: Display Plant |
WSTA | SAP Retail Store: Orders |
WSTASKCHECK | Get/Check WS Configurations |
WSTA_R_DLV_DISP | Store Workbench: Display Store Order |
WSTA_R_PDC_DATA | MRP Data - Outbound |
WSTA_R_PDC_STRUCT | Structural Data - Outbound |
WSTE | SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt |
WSTED | SAP Retail Store: Display open GR |
WSTE_NEW | SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt |
WSTE_R_PDC_CUSTOMIZ | Customizing Data - Download |
WSTE_R_PDC_DOCUMENT | Reference Document - Download |
WSTE_R_PDC_GR | SRS: Auto Posting GR from PDC |
WSTI | SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventory |
WSTI_DOC | Retail Store Inv.: Doc. Creation |
WSTI_MLT_HI_WO | Mobile ad hoc Physical Inventory |
WSTI_MLT_HI_WREF | Mobile Planned Physical Inventory |
WSTI_MON | Retail Store Inventory: PDC Monitor |
WSTI_R_PDC_PI | PDC Transactions Reorg. in Phys. Inv |
WSTI_R_PI_CALC | Calc. Book Inventory for Count Time |
WSTI_R_PI_LOG | Application Log: Display Logs |
WSTI_R_PI_POS | POS Transactions PI Reorganization |
WSTI_R_PI_SHOW | List of Calc. of Book Inventory |
WSTL | SAP Retail Store Labeling |
WSTN11 | Maintain prepack allocation planning |
WSTN13 | Display prepack allocation planning |
WSTN14 | Process prepack allocation manually |
WSTN15 | Delete Alloc. Table (PP Alloc Plan) |
WSTP | Retail Store Sales Prices |
WSTSA | SAP Retail Store: Assortment List |
WSTU | SAP Retail Store: Revaluation |
WSTV | SAP Retail Store: Goods Movements |
WSTV_R_PDC_CUST | Business Transaction - Download |
WSTV_R_PDC_DATA | Vendors and Stores - Download |
WSTV_R_PDC_MATDATA | Article Data - Download |
WSUBST_CONTAB | Edit Substitution Assignments |
WSUBST_SWITCH_REORG | Reorganization of Switchover Info |
WSUBST_WORKLIST | Edit Substitution Worklist |
WSUP | Space Management Using Plan Data |
WSUP1 | No. of Duplicate Listing Conditions |
WSUP2 | WSOF Migration Tool |
WSUPDATECHECK | Get/Check WS DT-RT Changes |
WSV1 | SD listing/exclusion per order type |
WSV2 | Create value contract module |
WSVD_ENTRY | SRS Vendor Master: Entry |
WSVD_SAPGUI | Maintenance Auth. for Local Vendors |
WSVD_VNDR_WLIST | Worklist for Local Vendors |
WTAD | Additionals |
WTAD_ADDI_AL | Analysis of Procedure for Additional |