Transaction | Text |
WS04200009M | Approve Leave Request |
WS11 | Send assortment modules |
WS12 | Send listing conditions |
WS12400005 | Cancel Leave Request |
WS12400005M | Dummy for Authorization for Canc. WF |
WS13 | Send assortments |
WS20000081 | Leave Request |
WS20000081M | Approve Leave Request |
WSAD | Space Management: No of Error Logs |
WSADMIN | Web Service Administration |
WSAF001 | SAF Configuration Maintenance |
WSAF002 | DSX File Maintenance |
WSAF003 | Calender Effects Maintenance |
WSAF004 | Promo. Cat. Maintenance for Predict. |
WSAFR01 | Data Transfer R/3 - SAF |
WSAFR02 | SAF Configuration Generation |
WSAK | SAP Retail Store: Promotions |
WSAM_ENTRY | SAP Retail Store AM Entry |
WSAM_SHMAE | SAP Retail Store - Material Search |
WSAO_CYCLE | Attachments of Ordering Cycles |
WSAO_LKPLC | Assignment of Planning Calendars |
WSAU | SAP Retail Store: Allocation Table |
WSC1 | Customizing season codes |
WSC2 | Customizing annual season |
WSC3 | Customizing markdown types |
WSC4 | Maintain data variants |
WSCLASS | Web Service Classification |
WSCLASS_MAP_FIELDS | fields maping for import classficat. |
WSCM | Category Manager Workbench - Example |
WSCONFIG | Release Web Services |
WSDOCU_SERVER | Maintain documentation server for ER |
WSD_CBP | Close-By Plants Application |
WSD_KEYWORD | Keyword maintenance |
WSD_KW_NRANGE | Number range maintenance: WSD_KW |
WSD_REFMAT | Definition reference materials |
WSE1 | Group-Wide Discontinuation |
WSE2 | Vendor/material discontinuation |
WSE3 | Material Discontinuation (Dist. Ch.) |
WSE4 | Material/Plant Discontinuation |
WSE5 | Error log, discontinuation |
WSE6 | Mat. Discontinuation for Assortment |
WSE8 | Display discontinuation status |
WSFP_LOG_ALL_IN | Inbound Processing, All Logs |
WSFP_LOG_CHG_OUT | Change Messages Log |
WSFP_LOG_INIT_OUT | Initial Data Transfer |
WSFP_LOG_INTERNAL | For Internal Use Only |
WSFP_LOG_MAN_OUT | Manual Selection |
WSFP_TRANSFER | Master Data Transfer |
WSGM | SAP Retail Store: Full Menu |
WSGM_GM_HI | Mobile Goods Movement |
WSGM_GR_HI_WO | Mobile Goods Receipt Without Ref |
WSGM_GR_HI_WR | Mobile Goods Receipt With Reference |
WSHOPMIGR | Migration: Store to Shop |
WSHT | SAP Retail Store: Time Recording |
WSICF_PREFIX | Path Prefix in ICF for WSDs |
WSIDPADMIN | Idempotent Service Administration |
WSII_ENTRY | SAP Retail Store II: Entry |
WSIL_HI | Mobile Inventory Lookup |
WSIN | Initialize Selection Variant |
WSINTCHECK | Get/Check WS Configurations |
WSIS | Information system |
WSISOLATE | Isolation of WS Providers / Consumer |
WSI_OCI_GUI | Example Program for OCI with GUI |
WSI_OCI_ITS | Example Program for OCI with ITS |
WSK1 | Assortments IS-R, copy store astmts |
WSK2 | Delete store assortments IS-R |
WSK3 | Assortment copy, batch input |
WSK4 | Delete Batch Input Assortment |
WSL0 | Consistency check for reference mat. |
WSL1 | Assortments, selection lists |
WSL10 | Materials in Assortment |
WSL11 | WSL11 |
WSL2 | Check listing rules |
WSL3 | Material listed in plant before? |
WSL4 | Analyze material in module |
WSL5 | Modules in plant |
WSL6 | Assortment structure, Plants |
WSL7 | Vendor material list |
WSL8 | Assortment grade info |
WSL9 | Listing conditions coming to an end |
WSLA | Assortment Users per Assortment |
WSLB | Assortment per Assortment User |
WSLC | Display of causes of listing |
WSLDEST | Maintain logical destination |
WSLF | Material per customer |
WSLG | Compare promotion POs - sales orders |
WSLH | Assortment modules for material |
WSLI | Display change doc. listing cond. |
WSLOG_CONFIG | Log viewer for srt configuration |
WSLOG_PUBLICATION | WS Publication Log Report |
WSM3 | Recompil. of Listing acc. Material |
WSM4 | Relist after ch. plant/ mat. grp mas |
WSM4A | Relist After Changes to Assortments |
WSM4B | Relist After Changes to Plants |
WSM4L | Automatic Relisting of Layout Data |
WSM6 | Delete Individual Listing, Material |
WSM7 | Delete Individual Listing, Material |
WSM8 | Setup assrt.owner assortment as WRF6 |
WSM9 | Delete Expired Listing Conditions |