SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
WB25 Trad. contract list: Contracts lists
WB25_COMP Trad. Contract List: Contracts Lists
WB26 Trading Contract: Document Flow
WB27 Trading contract: Standard analysis
WB28 Trading contract: Change history
WB28N Trading Contract: Display change doc
WB29_OPEN Status/Quantity Overview
WB29_PROFIT Trading Contract: Profit Simulation
WB2B_CUS Customizing Global Trade
WB2B_MOD Customizing Global Trade
WB2B_NETUSER Create User For TradingContract@Net
WB2C Messages - Target Group: Customer
WB2CM1 Reconstruction of Credit Mgmt Data
WB2DI1 Generate Differential Invoices
WB2DI2 Relvt Billg Docs for Diffrntl Invs
WB2DI3 Complete Billng Docs for Difftl Invs
WB2DI4 Open Billing Docs for Diffrntl Invs
WB2GTS1 Export: Blocked Trading Contracts
WB2GTS2 Import: Blocked Trading Contracts
WB2GTS3 Incorrectly Transferred Documents
WB2GTS4 Transfer Documents Again
WB2IND Automatic Document Adjustment
WB2INDD Delete Document Index
WB2INDD2 Delete Worklist
WB2INDN Recompilation of Document Index
WB2L Long Short Analysis
WB2M Messages for Management
WB2MAP Mappings in Global Trade
WB2R Global Trade General Control
WB2R_AB_DOCS List AB documents for contracts
WB2R_BUSVOL Business Volume for Contracts
WB2R_EXTENSION Condition Contract Extension
WB2R_IMG Customizing Contract Settlement
WB2R_RAC Reverse Accruals Customer Settlement
WB2R_RAV Reverse Accruals Vendor Settlement
WB2R_SC Customer Contract Settlement
WB2R_SV Vendor Contract Settlement
WB2SEL_AB Agency Document Selection (seltool)
WB2SEL_AB_LST Agency List Selection (seltool)
WB2SEL_AC Accounting Document Selection
WB2SEL_IV Inbound Invoice Selection
WB2SEL_MD Material Doc. Selection (seltool)
WB2SEL_OD Delivery Selection (for seltool)
WB2SEL_PO Purchasing Document Selection
WB2SEL_SHD Shadow Selection (for seltool)
WB2SEL_SI Customer Billing Document Selection
WB2SEL_SI_LST Customer Billing Doc. List Selection
WB2SEL_SO Sales Order Selection (for seltool)
WB2SEL_TC Tr. Contract Selection (for seltool)
WB2SEL_Z1 Selection for Add-On z1
WB2SEL_Z2 Selection for Add-On z2
WB2SEL_Z3 Selection for Add-On z3
WB2TEW_FULL Dummy for ALV Variants (Fullscreen)
WB2TEW_HEAD Dummy for ALV Variants Header
WB2TEW_ITEM Dummy for ALV Variants Item
WB2V Messages for Vendor
WB2_ARCHIVE_PREP Archiving Preparation
WB2_CS Trading Contract Settlement
WB2_CS_LOG Application Log for Contract Settle.
WB2_DI_LOG Application Log for Delta Invoicing
WB2_DI_MAPPING_C Mappings for Diff. Calculations
WB2_EWB Expense Workbench (Trading)
WB2_PO_TO_TC_MAP_C Mappings for shadow TC creation
WB2_PO_TO_TC_MAP_E Mappings for shadow TC creation
WB2_SO_TO_TC_MAP_C Mappings for shadow TC creation
WB2_SO_TO_TC_MAP_E Mappings for shadow TC creation
WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_MM_C Mappings for TC consolidation
WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_MM_E Mappings for TC consolidation
WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_SD_C Mappings for TC consolidation
WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_SD_E Mappings for TC consolidation
WB2_TC_CONSOLIDATED Display of consolidated TC
WB2_TC_DISP Display of Trading Contract Data
WB2_WUF_AVIV_IDQR_C Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcIDQR - Cust
WB2_WUF_AVIV_IDQR_R Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcIDQR - ro
WB2_WUF_AVIV_NO_CUST Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcNo - Cust
WB2_WUF_AVIV_NO_RO Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcNo - ro
WB2_WUF_AVIV_SELQR_C Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcSelQR - Cust
WB2_WUF_AVIV_SELQR_R Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcSelQR - ro
WB2_WUF_AVTO_NO_CUST Mapping AnlytlVwOfTrdgOrdNo - Cust
WB2_WUF_AVTO_NO_RO Mapping for AnlytlVwOfTrdgOrdNo - ro
WB2_WUF_MAPPING Proxy-Mapping (WUF-Tool)
WB2_WUF_MAPPING_CUST Proxy-Mapping Cust (WUF-Tool)
WB2_WUF_TRO_CNCNO_C Mapping for ToCncNotif - Cust
WB2_WUF_TRO_CNCNO_RO Mapping for ToCncNotif - ro
WB2_WUF_TRO_NOTIF_C Mapping for ToNotif - Cust
WB2_WUF_TRO_NOTIF_RO Mapping for ToNotif - ro
WB2_WUF_TRO_RELNO_C Mapping for ToRelNotif - Cust
WB2_WUF_TRO_RELNO_RO Mapping for ToRelNotif - ro
WB2_WUF_TRO_UPD_CUST Mapping for ToUpdReq - Cust
WB2_WUF_TRO_UPD_RO Mapping for ToUpdReq - ro
WB30 Mass maintenance MG to plant
WB31 Trading Contract: Fincl Documents
WB35 Layout overview
WB40 List analysis for classes
WB50 Plant group, create alloc tbl
WB51 Plant group, change alloc tbl
WB52 Plant group, display alloc table
WB53 Plant group, delete alloc tbl
WB54 PG Maintain allocTbl, plant to class
WB55 PG AllocTbl, maintain class to class
Lines 89601 to 89700 of 91333 entries
1 895 896 897 898 899 914