Transaction | Text |
WB56 | PG AllTbl, maintain plants in class |
WB57 | PG AllocTbl display plants in class |
WB58 | PG Alloc tbl display class to class |
WB59 | PG AllocTbl display plants in class |
WB5N | Stock in Transit (Consignment) |
WB60 | Plant group, create promotions |
WB61 | Plant group, change promotions |
WB62 | Plant group, display promotions |
WB63 | Plant group, delete promotions |
WB64 | PG Promotion, maint. plants to class |
WB65 | PG Promotion, maint. class to class |
WB66 | PG Promotion, maint. plants to class |
WB67 | PG Promotion, maint. plants to class |
WB68 | PG Promotion, displ. class to class |
WB69 | PG Promotion, displ. plants in class |
WB70 | Create assortment class |
WB71 | Change assortment class |
WB72 | Display assortment class |
WB73 | Delete assortment class |
WB74 | Maintain assortments to classes |
WB75 | Maintain classes to classes |
WB76 | Maintain assortments in class |
WB77 | Display assortments to classes |
WB78 | Display Class for Classes |
WB79 | Display assortments in class |
WB80 | Create plant group Other |
WB81 | Change plant group Other |
WB82 | Display plant group Other |
WB83 | Delete plant group Other |
WB84 | PG Other, maint. plant to classes |
WB85 | PG Other, maint. class to classes |
WB86 | PG Other, maint. plant in class |
WB87 | PG Other, displ.plant to classes |
WB88 | PG Other, class to class |
WB89 | PG Other, displ. plants in class |
WBB0 | Assortment list applicatiom menu |
WBBA | Assortment List: Analyze Dates |
WBBR | Reorganize Assort. List Versions |
WBBS | Display Assortment List Versions |
WBBS_ALV | Display Assort. List Versions |
WBBV_HPR | Assortment List: Version Management |
WBBV_HPR_ALV | Assortment List: Version Management |
WBDEMO | Workbench Demo: Template Interface |
WBF1 | IS-R: Stock Overview, Empties |
WBF2 | Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans. |
WBG1 | Maintenance |
WBGT_SLG2_INDEX | Delete Log Global Trade Management |
WBL1 | Create posting list manually |
WBL2 | Change posting list |
WBL3 | Display posting list |
WBL4 | Release blocked posting lists |
WBLFDETSIM | VBD Determination Simulation |
WBLMC | Mass Change to Posting Lists |
WBLR | Create posting lists using report |
WBLRB | Posting Lists for Remuner. List |
WBLRN | Create Posting Lists Using Report |
WBLRN_DISP | Dispatcher: Create Posting Lists |
WBLRO | Create Posting Lists Using Report |
WBLRO_DISP | Dispatcher: Create Posting Lists |
WBLS | Posting List Cancellation |
WBOLI | Condition Overview |
WBRP | Repricing of Trading Contract |
WBST | SAP Retail: Inventory Management |
WBSXPD | Progress Tracking:WBS |
WBTE | Export plant data (file transfer) |
WBTI | Import plants (file transfer) |
WBUDG01 | Activate Budget Type |
WBUDG02 | Transport Budget Type |
WBUDG03 | Reorganize Budget Type |
WBVK | Subsequent settlement |
WBWF | Trading Contract: Workflw Workbench |
WB_NEW_WINDOW | Workbench: Opens new window |
WC01 | Edit Characteristic |
WC02 | Number Range for SP Calculation |
WC03 | Number range, allocation rule |
WC04 | Number ranges, Promotions |
WC05 | Number ranges, allocation table |
WC06 | Number Ranges Status Tracking |
WC07 | Number ranges for free goods |
WC08 | Number ranges layout promo/plant |
WC10 | Batch Worklist for Pricing |
WC11 | Batch Changes, Assortments |
WC12 | Batch Settlement for Arrangements |
WC13 | Batch List Output for Arrangements |
WC14 | Batch Vendor Bus. Volume for Arrngmt |
WC15 | Batch Detailed Stmnt for Arrangement |
WC16 | Batch Extension Val. Period/Arrngmnt |
WC17 | Batch Update Vendor Business Volume |
WC18 | Batch Check Open GR Qty for Arrngmnt |
WC19 | Batch Stat. Recomp. Vendor Bus. Vol. |
WC20 | Batch Stat. Recom. on Individ. Lev. |
WC21 | Batch Reorg Data in LIS |
WC22 | Batch List Rtl Changes for Material |
WC23 | Batch IV, Immediate Cyclic Check |
WC24 | Batch POS Outbound |
WC25 | Batch Assortment List/Shelf-Edge Lab |
WC26 | Batch Forecast |
WC27 | Batch Requirements Planning per Plnt |
WC28 | Batch Set Central Block |
WC29 | Batch, Alloc Tbl Message Bundling |