Transaction | Text |
VT12 | Select Shipments: Transpt Processing |
VT13 | F4-Help Shipment Number |
VT14 | Select Shipments: Utilization |
VT15 | Select Shipments: Free Capacity |
VT16 | Select Shipments: Check In |
VT17 | Extended Help (F4) Shipment Number |
VT18 | Start F4 Help Shipping |
VT19 | Shipment Tendering Status Monitor |
VT20 | Overall Shipment Process Monitor |
VT22 | Display Change-Document Shipment |
VT30 | Initial internet tran for shipment |
VT30N | Tendering Events for Carriers |
VT31 | Shipment tendering |
VT31N | Selection Variants for Fwdg Agents |
VT32 | Shipment Status list |
VT33 | Ship.Planning for Carriers |
VT34 | Event Reports for Carriers via HTML |
VT34M | Event Reports for Carriers via WML |
VT60 | Transfer Location Master Data to TPS |
VT61 | Ext. transport. planning deliveries |
VT62 | Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent |
VT63 | Freight Plng Status from Deliveries |
VT68 | Deallocate delivery from TPS |
VT69 | Plan Deliveries from Freight Plng |
VT70 | Output for Shipments |
VTAA | Order to order copying control |
VTAF | Bill. doc. to order copying control |
VTAR | Archive shipments |
VTBT | Report for Definition of Batch Run |
VTBW | Reorg.: Shipment Data in BW |
VTCI | Ctr.Control: Screen Configuration |
VTCM | List of Continuous Moves |
VTCU | Customizing Version types |
VTCU_AKT | Customizing Version types |
VTCU_SAKT | Customizing Version types |
VTDB | Assignment screen name - field name |
VTDOCU | Tech. documentation transportation |
VTFA | Order to bill copying control |
VTFAKT | Bill Deliveries |
VTFF | Bill to bill copying control |
VTFG | Field groups material versions |
VTFL | Delivery to bill copying control |
VTLA | Order to delivery copying control |
VTR1 | XSI: Master Data: Service Codes |
VTR2 | XSI: Master Data: Routing Info |
VTRC | XSI Cockpit |
VTRC_VVTR0011 | Delivery Tracking - Collective Reqst |
VTRK | Tracking |
VTRL | Reload shipments |
VTRT | XSI: Carrier |
VTS1 | Ctr. Control: Applications |
VTS2 | Ctr. Control: Field Groups |
VTS23 | Ctr. Control: Data Sets |
VTS3 | Ctr. Control: Views |
VTS4 | Ctr. Control: Sections |
VTS5 | Ctr. Control: Screens |
VTS6 | Ctr. Control: Screen Seq. Variants |
VTS7 | Ctr. Control: Events |
VTS8 | Ctr. Control: CUA Standard Functions |
VTS9 | Ctr. Control: CUA Addit. Functions |
VTSB | Ctr. Control: Asgn Scrn Fld->DB Fld |
VTSB_DI | Ctr. Control: Asgn DI Fld->DB Field |
VTSC | Ctr. Control: Fld Modific. Criteria |
VTSD | Ctr. Control: Role Cat. Grouping |
VTSE | Ctr. Control: Role Categories |
VTSF | Ctr. Control: Application Transact. |
VTSG | Ctr. Control: Tables |
VTSH | Ctr. Control: Ext. Applications |
VTSI | Ctr. Control: Activities |
VTSJ | Ctr. Control: Field Mod. Activity |
VTSN | Ctr. Control: Fld Groups Authoriz. |
VTSO | Ctr. Control: Authorization Types |
VTSP | Ctr. Control: Fld Mod. Ext. Applic. |
VTWABU | Post goods issue |
VTZB0AN_TRAN | Flow Types |
VUA2 | Maintain Doc.Type Incompletion Proc. |
VUA3 | Display Doc.Type Incompletion Proc. |
VUA4 | Assignm. Deliv. Type Incompl.Proced. |
VUA5 | Disp. Assignm.Del.Type to Incom.Proc |
VUC2 | Maintain Incompletion Log |
VUE2 | Maintain Sched.Line Incompletion Pr. |
VUE3 | Display Sched.Line Incompletion Proc |
VULI | Unilife Incoming Payment |
VUP2 | Maintain Item Incompletion Procedure |
VUP3 | Display Item Incompletion Procedure |
VUP4 | Assignm. Deliv.Items to Incom.Proc. |
VUP5 | Display Assignm. Del.Items IncomProc |
VUPA | Display Partner Incompletion Proc. |
VV11 | Create Output: Sales |
VV12 | Change output: Sales |
VV13 | Display Output: Sales |
VV21 | Create Output: Shipping |
VV22 | Change output: Shipping |
VV23 | Display Output: Shipping |
VV31 | Create Output : Billing |
VV32 | Change output: Billing |
VV33 | Display Output: Billing |
VV51 | Create Output for Sales Activity |
VV52 | Change Output: Sales Activity |
VV53 | Display Output: Sales Activity |