SAP Transaction VLMOVE - HU Goods Movements

Related Notes
353358VLMOVE with two step goods movement
746133VL561 when creating inbound dely from outbound dely (VLMOVE)
747906VL367 when creating inbound delivery from outbound delivery
508706VLMOVE Goods receiving point is not determined
340238VLMOVE:Inbound del. creation for two-step stock trnsfr
1389719Rejection of an one-step stock transfer delivery
1230002Batch split items start with 900002 even after Note 1229104
1381212Cumul.weight/volume not copied when creating from outb. del.
1132149Data inconsis. for batch split after OB deliv from IB deliv
547118FAQ: Result of ATP calculation
809681No authorization check when you call subsequent functions
1387128One-step stock transfers of HUs in EWM warehouses