SAP Transaction VL71 - Output from Outbound Deliveries

Related Notes
960611FAQ: Output control in Sales and Distribution
88853Shipp. unit short txt in wrong lang. in pack. list
378423Missing authorization check for branch from delivery dialog
1455768Transportation Cross-Docking with Text Items
76322Characteristic value assignment is not displayed
134075Limits from batch dermin not in quality certificate
9985442 step stock transfer: Error HUFUNCTIONS188 in inb deliv.
1631112SPED not retriggered after GI cancellation
1357747New inbound deliv. not created when SPED processed again
1172420Error message /SPE/VL 300 in the shipment release log
131832AFS: Modifiction printing delivery note w/ AFS data
1364822VL561: Inb. dely generated from outb. dly w/ zero quantites
511026Menu options in delivery dialog appear as inactivated
1119073FAQ: Automatic inbound delivery creation for stock transfers