588269 | Worklists after cross-delivery TO incorrect |
154593 | VL06C:Confirmation of deliveries not subject to WM |
919115 | VL06: slow performance for selection with ShipTo party |
620009 | No work list in VL06C for deliveries picked without WM |
604439 | No worklist for deliveries for conf. according to SP43 |
801076 | VL06: No subsequent authorization check |
210813 | VL06O: Selection by plant order incorrect |
113048 | Collective note on delivery monitor |
178645 | VL06C: Deliveries not for confirmation selected |
117492 | VL06: Incorrect msg category when you create group |
367865 | User parameter ignored for start of transaction |
370361 | Confirmation of return transfers via delvry monitor |
375835 | Performance: delivery monitor for the confirmation |
140747 | VL06: Changed sorting in list confirmation |
379488 | Successful confirmation despite failed confirmation |
209099 | Incorrect report results of picking request |
143700 | VL06: Shipping point predefined in standard variant |
172356 | VL06: Selection by billing status not possible |
321893 | Missing variants in the delivery monitor VLA006 |
389051 | TIME_OUT during data selection in the delivery monitor |
171979 | Error in pick order verification VL08 / performance |
358634 | No subsequent function during pick order verification |
809681 | No authorization check when you call subsequent functions |
398014 | VL06: Selection criteria for delivery statuses |
522902 | VL06: Background processing |
128150 | VL06: Designing your own display variants |