SAP Transaction VL01NO - Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.

Related Notes
574691Message VL258 contains incorrect information
164269VL01/VL02: Valuation type is not checked
197249Transfer of partners in delivery without reference
203550User exits in the delivery: calc. error with factor 1000
491875Maintenance of Delivery Transactions VL01, VL02, VL31, VL32
356921Missing sold-to-party data in deliveries w/o ref
511026Menu options in delivery dialog appear as inactivated
339897Delivery dialog box hangs after error messages
594983Outbound deliv w/o order reference: incorr reqt reduction
377160Manual export data deleted after partner change
307190Termination after assigning external delivery number
424724Delivery dialog hangs after change to qty on detail screen
457925Batch input compatibility of the new delivery transactions
380503Program trm.RAISE_EXCEPTION on detail screen 'text'
383471Incorrect billing date for deliveries w/o reference
198532Dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER in delivery processing
809681No authorization check when you call subsequent functions
489231OLM SP1 Functionality
550349Deletion of delivery items for cancelled billing documents
415716User exits in delivery processing
1157472FAQ: Dangerous goods problems after upgrade/EHS installation
521409Problems with deleting delivery items online